22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

Categories: Animals | Positive

Hamsters are by far the cutest and funniest of all possible rodents. And despite their small size, they are very energetic and active.

And besides all of the above, hamsters are quite photogenic. And the pictures we want to show you are a perfect confirmation of that.

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

I was running around.

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"I was going through a hard divorce, so I decided to get a little friend. I never regret it!"

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

Little fluffy lumps of happiness.

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"Biscuit is delighted with his new bed."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"It's my hamster's birthday today. He received a hat and his favorite lunch as a gift."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

It seems that hamsters have their own religion and their own prophet.

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

Rear view.

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

What a hairstyle!

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"It took us 1984 hours to create this miniature hamster town."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

The king of milota.

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

My preeelest!

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

This hamster has his own art gallery, and what have you achieved?

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"Hazel likes to watch me play video games"

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"I tied a little hat to my hamster."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"You came to my house… Asking me for help. But you do it without respect."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"Meet my weird hamster Bruce."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

Say "chiiiz!"

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"Monday again?"

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"I'm in the cabin."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

Who is it we have here?

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"Hamster and I love macaroni and cheese."

22 cute photos of hamsters that will make you smile

"Grandma knitted a sombrero for my hamster."

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