The death of Prince Svyatoslav: who really killed Alexander the great ancient history
Categories: Conflict | Europe | History | World
By Pictolic to the "tale of bygone years", the Kiev Prince Svyatoslav the conqueror died on the Dnieper rapids. Killed him the Pechenegs, who were hired Greeks or Bulgarians. Historians have long paid attention to the illogic of the narrative, and that the chronicler monk Nestor disingenuous. The Pechenegs, who was waiting for Sviatoslav hired not Bulgarians or Romans, but their own. The roots of the conspiracy stretched from Kiev.
In cases Svyatoslav Igorevich clear that he's not just a wandering outsider who fights for the sake of war. The Prince turned Kievan Rus from aggressive, but not particularly influential States in the European backwater into a powerful player in the international arena. Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar khanate and brought under the authority of Kiev the distant tribes of Vyatichi.
What is swords of the Rus learned of the Caucasian tribes of jars and kasogs, the Bulgarian guards and Byzantine legions. Barbarian Prince smashed any enemy who threatened to storm Constantinople and planned to include Bulgaria in its power. Svyatoslav opened for Russia Volga way, took control of the don and the mouth of the Danube.
Revamp the look of warriors of the retinue of Prince Svyatoslav
The trade route from the lands of Persians and Arabs, Scandinavia and the North Caucasus were in Kiev, but the Prince was going to move the capital in the Bulgarian city Pereyaslavets. Svyatoslav decided strategic goal, but forget about the Motherland. Kiev reproached the Prince that he is not engaged in household chores, while seeking the glory in foreign lands.
In the "tale of bygone years" monk Nestor wrote that Svyatoslav, when he lost the battle Dorostolum, made peace with Byzantium and left Bulgaria. When it came down to the boats to the "Island of the Rus" in the mouth of the Danube, he divided the army. Most of it led by Governor Sveneld went by Hiking directly across the steppe. All of them a few months safely reached Kiev.
Svyatoslav with a small retinue and wounded decided to continue the path to the boats. The chronicler writes that Sveneld was offered to the Prince to go with him, but he refused. To reach Kiev Svyatoslav did not. On the river it was caught in late autumn, and the Prince decided to spend the winter in Belopoeica, between the modern Nikolayev and Kherson.
The death of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich
The commander hoped that in the spring of Sveneld will bring fresh forces, but winter was tough. A blonde died of starvation and disease. In March of 972, the Prince and the remnants of the troops did not wait for help and again set out.
On the Dnieper rapids, presumably on the island of Khortytsya, Svyatoslav was ambushed by the Pecheneg Prince Chickens. Few and weary winter warriors are unable to win and lost. Bribed the Pechenegs and Bulgarians of Perejaslavets, or the Emperor John Tzimisces. From Svyatoslav's skull made a Smoking bowl-Bratina, from which the drink, hoping that the strength of a great warrior will go to him and his descendants.
The illogic version of Nestor drew the attention of such luminaries of history, as Solovyov, ilovaisky, Rybakov, Froyanov. Why Svyatoslav went to Kiev with Swanilda? Why did he leave with him only a small retinue and remained on the river? Why Sveneld or son Yaropolk had not led the Prince away.
Photo of the Dnieper rapids prior to the construction of DneproGES
Before going to Bulgaria, Svyatoslav gave old Sveneld in feeding the land of the Slavic Ulichi tribe that lived in the middle Dnieper. The Governor could assemble the militia there and rescue the Governor.
Svyatoslav experienced sailor and realized that they didn't have time before winter to reach Kiev. Then why did he choose the dangerous Dnieper, and went to spend the winter in the conquered White Tower or the don? It may in Kiev was not expecting? And most importantly, who incited Svyatoslav Pechenegs?
From the death of Svyatoslav, the most won Sveneld, which many researchers regard as the real killer of the Prince, the conqueror. After the death of Governor old Governor became the most powerful nobleman in the son of Svyatoslav Yaropolk. In fact the Vikings he rules the Kiev power. Ironically, with the assassination of the son of Sveneld — Fierce began the first in the history of the Rus princely strife.
When Oleg, the average of the sons of Svyatoslav, learned that his forest to hunt the "Speeldoos", he was immediately killed Fierce. Perhaps, in Kiev there were rumors about who the real perpetrator of the death of the Grand Duke, but to oppose the all-powerful Sveneld was afraid. Thus, the rash actions of a young and hot-tempered Oleg be logical.
Sveneld had an influence on Yaropolk and persuaded him to punish his younger brother. Nestor the chronicler wrote that near the body of Oleg Yaropolk said the Governor: "Look, this is what you wanted".
Kiev Svyatoslav Igorevich did not like and did not know: he was constantly going out and internal Affairs did not. Conquering Prince performed many great deeds, but the memory of it has not survived in folk tales and epics.
For the common people Svyatoslav was an alien because he had not defended the borders of Russia, and fought in foreign countries. Instead Svyatoslav rules his elderly mother Olga, and after her death, young son Yaropolk. The lack of a rigid princely hand arranged and merchants to know which strengthened the power and wealth.
In the "tale of bygone years" says that Svyatoslav was going to move the capital in the Bulgarian city Pereyaslavets, and it was a threat to the power of the Kiev ruling elite. Direct speech know and the merchants did not dare, but through commercial channels may have bribed the Pechenegs.
Even before Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus in Kiev has strengthened a strong Christian party. Christian was Princess Olga, which was followed by many of the noble Rus. Olha urged Sviatoslav to accept Christ, but he replied that in that case his squad will be mocked.
Princess Olga — the first Christian ruler of Russia
When the Princess died, the position of the Christian community was weak, but everything changed the war. The most ardent adherents of paganism have gone to the Prince to conquer Bulgaria, and Kiev Christians to gain strength again. Among them were many merchants of that faith in Christ helped to make trade operations in Europe. In the Nikon chronicle recorded that a supporter of the Christian party was the young Prince Yaropolk.
During the Bulgarian war, Svyatoslav accused the Christian soldiers of cowardice and ordered to execute them. He threatened that he would return to Kiev, burn all churches and kill the supporters of Christ who did not like that he fights with their co-religionists. Kiev knew that the greatest words in the wind drops, and feared his return. Perhaps Sveneld was also a Christian, but because of the high status of the execution escaped.
Then everything falls into place. Between Svyatoslav and Swanilda was split, and the Governor took away most of the warriors. The Prince is left with few survivors and supporters understand that in Kiev, his position is too weak. Svyatoslav was looking for a way out, which was not. In the spring, he still decided to go to the capital, but fell into an ambush organised by the nomads, who hired the Kiev nobility. For ordinary people the guilt passed on the far of the Romans.
The proposed location of the death of the wife of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. Khortytsya island in the vicinity of Zaporizhia
Of course, this is only version, and the truth is forever lost in the "fog of history". The researchers, who were engaged in the question of the death of Svyatoslav, believe that external enemies of the Prince to employ the Pechenegs could not. All the strings came from Russia, and Svyatoslav himself knew it, and therefore did not go to Kiev with Swanilda. It's not expected.
Keywords: Bulgaria | Byzantium | Conspiracy | Death | Murder Christians
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