Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

Categories: Asia | Culture | Lifestyle | Nations | People | Photo project | Society | Travel | World

Despite the fact that prostitution in Bangladesh is quite legal, this does not mean that intimate workers live well. Kandapara is the country's oldest brothel, separated from the outside world by a large perimeter and walls. This brothel even has its own power plant, which turns it into a whole city of prostitutes.

Photojournalist Sandra Hawn visited Kandapar and captured life inside the brothel. Mainly girls from poor families work there. Many were born in the brothel itself and from birth had no rights and freedoms. A woman can leave a brothel only by paying all her debts. However, many of them choose to stay in the brothel to support themselves and their families.


Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

1. Kajol says she is 17. Kajol has a 6-month-old baby.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

2. Papia with two clients. Her parents died when she was a child. Papia married her husband, but her husband was sent to prison for using and distributing heroin.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

3. 26-year-old Deepa is crying. She learned that she was two months pregnant from a brothel client.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

4. Women waiting for clients.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

5. 19-year-old Mime in the shower.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

6. The Kandapara brothel in one of the districts of the city of Tangail is the oldest and second-largest in Bangladesh. More than 700 prostitutes live and work in it together with their children.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

7. 5-day-old twins of one of the brothel workers.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

8. The territory of the brothel itself does not shine with cleanliness. On the street - dirt and used condoms.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

9.Paki, 15, and Mim, 19, enjoy a free minute from work.

Living inside a brothel in Bangladesh

10. 19-year-old Priya with a client.

Keywords: World | Travel | Bangladesh | India | Asia | Earth | Nations | People | Society | Prostitution | Intimate | Photo project | City

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