Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

Categories: Nations

Every nation in our country has its own national soft drinks, which are definitely worth a try, once in a particular region.

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

Republic of Buryatia – Salty tea

In Buryatia tea is not just an indispensable drink on the table, is part of sacred rites and actions. Tea is used in shamanism, and even considered the "soul of the people".

To prepare this drink is not so difficult. Need to pour water into the pot, cover back tea, bring to boil and remove from heat. A piece of oil to put in preheated pan when the butter has melted, add the flour and stir until smooth. Then pour the milk and slightly warm, then pour into the saucepan with the tea. Next you need to add a pinch of salt, bring to boil and remove from heat. Should be before applying the tea to drain.

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

Republic of Mordovia — Intoxicating pose

This non-alcoholic drink such as kvass from sugar beet, traditional Mordovian cuisine. Prepared by fermentation of the wort, which includes steamed in the oven on low heat during the day root vegetables sugar beet and rye flour, malt, hops, water, some sugar and yeast starter.

In Mordovia several times attempts were made to organize industrial production of poses, but they all failed — it's too unique production technology.

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

The Republic of Bashkortostan Bashkir kumys

This fermented milk drink, invented by the nomads, it is extremely useful. They were once treated for the Czechs coming to Bashkiria. Made on the basis of Mare's milk by fermentation of Mare's milk is a good thirst quencher and is considered a "good drink". And yet – is one of the brands of Bashkortostan.

The Mare's milk contains beneficial bacteria that have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, the Mare's milk increases the digestibility of food, improves the functioning of pancreas. All this greatly helps the metabolism.

I must say that the Mare's milk is going to much harder than cow or goat. Mare milk 4-6 times a day, and this must be done very quickly, of the milkmaids not more seconds to collect the milk. One Mare's day is around 5 liters of milk.

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

Republic Of Karachay-Cherkessia — Ayran

Ayran is a product that I have cooked in milk with yeast. Milk is from cows, sheep or goats. Circassia is one of the places that is considered the birthplace of ayran. Kitchen Caucasian, Central Asian people consume this drink since very ancient times.

There is a legend. Recipe ayran Caucasians kept for a very long time until one Russian beauty's not fall in love with the Prince. She was willing to marry him in exchange for the coveted leaven, which make this fermented milk product. Since then, the Russian people began to use it to maintain their youth and beauty.

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

The popular and famous fireweed (Epilobium)

Ivan-tea is one of the most beloved and known since ancient times, plants of our country. Useful properties of Ivan-tea has been used for treating headaches, stomach disorders. A few centuries ago, people were drinking the infusion of this plant in the morning. He was considered a drink of heroes, charged with vivacity and strength for the day. Recipes for decoctions and infusions of Ivan-tea is passed down from generation to generation and it was thought that if every day to drink the infusion of this plant, it will help to keep a clear mind and physical strength until old age and protect against the occurrence of tumors.

Unpretentious to the conditions of Ivan-tea can be found in dry, sandy or peaty soils in close proximity to pine forests and country roads, meadows and wastelands, forest edges and clearings, riverbanks and lakes, and as a weed in gardens or orchards.

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

The Republic Of Sakha (Yakutia) — Bierah

This is the Yakut national fermented milk drink. It is made from skim and normalized (in the fat to 1%) milk with sugar, fillings, and most importantly, special starters.

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

Stavropol Krai — Seltzer

Seltzer, what is not a proprietary drink? In the historical Chronicles Seltzer was first mentioned in the 18th century. This was due to the fact that Peter the great visited the carlsbad mineral waters, and was very impressed with the extent of their use for the treatment of various diseases.

Back in Russia, the Emperor immediately ordered to start work on the search for such sources in Russia. In 1717 in the Caucasus with this purpose was sent to the physician of Peter, who soon in the reports to the king wrote the following: "as there is in the Circassian earth a goodly sour spring".

Intoxicating pose, bierbach, koumiss and other soft drinks of the peoples of Russia

The Republic of Adygea — Adygea tea

Not so long ago in Adygea has another prestigious brand that rivals the famous Adyghe cheese. In Belarus, a tradition of producing premium teas growing on the slopes of Adygea.

Tea grows here in the area of "risky subtropics" at an altitude of 540 m above the sea level. Tea bookmarks on the territory of the Republic of Adygea appeared in 1937. At first it was just an experiment, and later the tea is cultivated for the purpose of earning. Hundreds of workers were collected and then sold it on the market. In the 1990s, the tradition of tea production have been forgotten, but in recent years, tea plantations in the mountains began to recover, and with it, respawn and local customs of tea-drinking.

Keywords: Drinks | Cuisine

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