Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

Categories: Food and Drinks | Travel

We present you a country study guide to different countries of the world for real sweet lovers — a dozen of the most delicious desserts from around the world. After all, every country has its own famous dessert, which is definitely worth a try!

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

1. Strudel, Austria.

You can only appreciate the taste of this dessert in Vienna or Salzburg. But you can get acquainted with the first recipe of this dessert, dated 1696, in the city library of Vienna. For all the time of its existence, the recipe has not undergone significant changes, and to prepare this dessert, just as before, you will need a dough with fruit filling, berries, cottage cheese or poppy seeds. This dish is often served with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

2. Trdlo, Czech Republic.

Behind the interesting name trdlo lies the usual tubes with cream, very popular in the Czech Republic. This dessert is prepared from sweet dough on an open fire, after which it is dipped in a mixture of sugar and cinnamon, and sprinkled with nuts or coconut shavings on top. In the Czech Republic, this delicacy can be bought right on the street, and not only locals, but also travelers like to eat it.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

3. Baklava, Turkey.

Baklava, or bahlava in Turkish, is a dish of oriental cuisine. Originated in the XV century, the dessert is made from thin sheets of dough, smeared with butter and honey and sprinkled with nuts. The dish has a sickly-sweet taste, so it is recommended to wash it down with tea.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

4. Pavlova cake, Australia and New Zealand.

This dessert was created in honor of the famous Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, and today this cake is a decoration of Australian and New Zealand cuisine. By the way, these two states still can not decide where exactly this dessert was invented. But in fact, this is not important, it is only important that today everyone can enjoy this amazing dish, decorated with berries and whipped cream, with a crispy crust and a soft center, reminiscent of marshmallows.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

5. Tiramisu, Italy.

It is still impossible to say exactly which of the regions of Italy is the birthplace of this delicious dessert. Today, this Italian dish can be ordered in absolutely any restaurant in the world, but the real tiramisu can only be tasted in Italy. The composition of this dish includes true Italian ingredients: mascarpone cheese from Lombardy, savoyardi air biscuits and marsala wine from Sicily.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

6. Traditional pudding, England.

This dish can be called a symbol of old England, because it is prepared in almost every English family, and the recipe is passed down from generation to generation. This incomparable dessert is prepared in a water bath from flour, bread crumbs, eggs, fat, cream and spices. But few people know that once the pudding also included meat.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

7. Cream candy, Japan.

Cream candies are not a dessert, but a regular snack, comparable to our popcorn. For the production of these sweets, chestnuts growing in Japan and South Korea, sweet potatoes, sugar and seasonings are used.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

8. Churchkhela, Georgia.

This Georgian sweet is prepared from fruit juice, most often grape juice, in which nuts strung on a string are immersed. Despite the apparent simplicity, the process of making churchkhela is complex and time-consuming, but the resulting dessert is worth all the effort spent on it.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

9. Cheesecake, USA.

This dessert is almost the most famous in the world. It is prepared absolutely in all corners of the earth, but cheesecake is especially popular in the United States. That's just the birthplace of this dessert is not considered the United States, but Ancient Greece, where it was known in the VI century BC.

Sweet country studies: 10 desserts from around the world

10. Turron, Spain.

In its taste, this Spanish delicacy resembles the well-known nougat. There are two types of this delicious dessert: hard, like a grillage, and soft, like nougat with nuts. But you can only try turron on the territory of Spain, since it is officially prohibited to make it outside of this country.

Keywords: Travel | Cuisine | Cake | Countries | Dish | Food and drink | Dessert

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