How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

During the pandemic, the number of overweight people has increased significantly. Doctors worry that if we continue to eat stress in quarantine, then a real crisis may occur. After the coronavirus recedes, hospitals will be filled with obese patients, and the health of humanity will once again be at risk. Therefore, it is so important to monitor your diet, even when you are at home and working remotely.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

We have collected for you 20 life hacks that will help you lose weight and get into good health. They are simple and effective, if you do not be lazy and do them regularly. Check out the effect of our tips for yourself!

Fortunately, the restrictions in many countries are gradually beginning to be lifted, and we are gradually returning to normal life. In addition, summer is coming soon, and a little weight loss for the beach season will not be superfluous at all. To do this, you do not need to exhaust yourself with strict diets and many hours of training. Just follow the 20 rules that will help you lose weight and keep yourself in good shape in the future.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

1. Drink water. A glass of water before each meal will bring a feeling of satiety, so you will eat less. To maintain balance in the body, replace sweet soda with regular water.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

2. Reduce the size of the plate. To control the portions of food, replace the dishes with a smaller one. American scientists have proven that when we sit down at the table, we always fill 70% of the space on the plate, regardless of its diameter.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

3. Replace carbohydrates with healthy ones. Try replacing rice and pasta with healthier side dish options. It can be cauliflower, broccoli or other vegetables that you like.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

4. Set the fork aside. Place the fork on the table between the portions of food that you put in your mouth, chewing the food thoroughly. Research by experts from New Zealand has shown that people who eat quickly are at risk of obesity by 115% more than those who do not rush during meals.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

5. Add more vegetables to your diet. Make sure that half of the portion on your plate is vegetables. Greens are a source of water and fiber. Vegetables contain fewer calories than carbohydrate-rich foods or meat, so you can afford to eat more of them and not feel hungry.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

6. Order less food with home delivery. Health food experts say those who eat two servings of food delivered a week are 31% more at risk of becoming obese. Reduce your orders to at least one per week.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

7. Do not eat in front of the TV. Many people like to have dinner while watching their favorite TV series or an exciting movie. According to the findings of scientists at the University of Birmingham, being distracted by events happening on the screen, we eat more. In addition, if a person pays attention to what is on the plate, after dinner he will not want to eat again.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

8. Less sweetness. Try to drink tea and coffee without sugar. One teaspoon of granulated sugar contains 16 calories. If you can't do without the sweetness in the drink, switch to a sweetener – it contains only 1 kilocalory.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

9. Don't rush your food. Cornflakes for breakfast seem like a simple and easy option, but they will not give you a feeling of satiety. Sweet crunches contain the same amount of calories as regular porridge, but the glycemic index of oatmeal is much lower. This means that it is absorbed more slowly, and the feeling of satiety lasts longer.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

10. Walk daily. If you don't have the time or desire to exercise, walk for at least ten minutes every day. This will help you burn extra calories, improve your heart function, and lift your mood.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

11. Choose healthier fast food. Instead of the usual pizza and hamburgers, try less high-calorie options, where there are a lot of vegetables and cheese and less harmful sauces.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

12. Do not eat at night. When you eat before going to bed, the body does not have time to burn the calories until the morning. Experts on weight loss say that dinner before 19.00 helps to fight excess weight. In addition, in this mode, digestion is improved, and you do not want to eat at night at all.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

13. Do not buy sweets. If you can't resist constantly dragging chocolates and candies out of the closet, just don't buy them. Replace your favorite treats with fruits, nuts and seeds.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

14. Indulge yourself. It is also impossible to completely limit yourself in goodies. Eat your favorite treats from time to time, trying to enjoy them to the fullest. Weight loss experts say that people who break off the diet from time to time lose more weight and for a longer period of time.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

15. Train online. To keep fit, you don't have to pay a lot of money for going to the gym. In social networks, there are many free video blogs and sets of exercises that you can perform at home. Do not forget that you need to start training gradually, at first without loading yourself, but you need to practice regularly.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

16. Strive for variety in food. Combinations of different products will give you more energy. Replace the boring ingredients in the dishes with new ones. For example, greens in salads - on avocado, which is full of healthy fats.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

17. Avoid excessive consumption of bread. Bread is a source of carbohydrates, so try to eat it less. You can find healthier alternatives and replace the usual sandwich with an egg omelet or corn chips.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

18. Climb the stairs. Instead of using the elevator or escalator, walk on the stairs. Climbing the stairs, you burn 11 calories per minute, and add an element of cardio to your daily workout.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

19. Limit your alcohol consumption. Four bottles of wine a month is 27,000 calories a year. A glass of beer contains about the same number of calories as a chocolate bar – 239. It is better to drink a little vodka with soda or gin-tonic to reduce the calorie content of the alcoholic drink.

How to clean up: 20 life hacks for weight loss and wellness

20. Plan your diet. Before you go to the grocery store, make a list of the dishes you want to cook. Knowing exactly what is included in their composition, you will not buy too much.

For those who are afraid of strict restrictions, there is even a "happiness diet". Thanks to it, you can lose weight and constantly be positive.

Keywords: World | Overweight | Weight loss | Diet | Body | Figure | Dishes | Nutrition | Food and drinks | Life hacks | Useful tips | Efficiency | Well-being | Training | Simplicity | Slimness | Healthy eating | Healthy lifestyle | Proper nutrition | Food | Quarantine

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