22 good things for many years, but they are like new

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

Categories: History | Social Networks | World

Did you notice how easily we throw away things and buy yourself a new one? We are unaccustomed to high-quality items that you can use for years and have forgotten how to do simple mending items that can last for a long time faith and truth, preferring to quickly replace them with new ones are even worse quality than the previous one.

22 good things for many years, but they are like newBut there is still really quality stuff that serve faithfully for decades. And Reddit users decided to share their.

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"Bought this jacket in a thrift store for $ 19. He is about 17 years. This thing weighs almost a ton and feels like a vest. Really a quality product"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"On the day of the wedding, I realized that I hate my dress, so I went to the "yard sale" and found the perfect lace dress, which is more than 70 years. Approached me perfectly"

"Cleaned this bag 1960-ies. Sure, this vintage item is much better quality than modern"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"This razor Gillette Slim 56 years, and it still shaves perfectly. Bought it on eBay for $ 15"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"Watch my great-grandfather during the Second world war is still going"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"I'm in shock from what my aunt and then her sisters managed to keep this dress shirt is in perfect condition. It's over 50 years old but looks like new"22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"This fireplace for more than 130 years, and of not doing. We paid for it 1 800, and modern are about the same"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"This is a chair my grandmother bought in an antique shop when my father was still a child. All original, except upholstery — even filled with horse hair"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

This sewing machine is almost 100 years old and it still works

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"My parents bought this rabbit when I was born. I fell asleep with him in an embrace every night until adolescence. Now I'm 25"22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"This mixer for over 40 years, and it belonged to my mother. Husband said don't buy me a new one while this will not break. I think they will use even our grandchildren"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"My mother gave this jacket 1980s, and now it's mine. She had another similar, but with a velvet collar. I hope one day it too will give"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"These bowls Pyrex for 50 years, but it's the only thing my wife wanted to get a gift from their parents. We use them every day"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"This is a 117-year-old coffee grinder Peugeot. My parents use it for grinding pepper"22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"I got this jacket from my mom. I am 27 years old and he is older than me"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"I so admire this quilted robe! He's almost 70 years old, but I feel it is just gorgeous!"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"I cook a lot and this is my favorite collection of tableware that I received from my grandmother. The oldest pan — 40 years"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

This Westinghouse refrigerator 1930s still works

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"I have used this juicer to prepare fresh orange juice for my parents when I was a kid. She is already 51 years old, and she's still strong"22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"My grandfather bought these boots Red Wind in 1975. I just replaced the soles and cleaned them up a bit"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"This colander I have for 26 years — more than half of my life"

22 good things for many years, but they are like new

"The microwave my parents for 34 years. She went through 3 refrigerators, a stove, a dishwasher and a dozen toasters, and still works great."

Keywords: Quality | Selection | Rarity | Old stuff

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