How is "sky burial" in Tibet

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

Categories: Nations

"Sky burial" (jhator or bya gtor) — the main type of burial in Tibet and in several adjacent to areas of Tibet. Also, it is called "giving alms to the birds". According to Tibetan belief, the soul leaves the body at death, and people at all stages of life should try to benefit. Therefore, the dead body fed to the birds as a last act of charity.

This method of burial by many Tibetans still consider themselves the only possible. Exceptions are made only for the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Lama. Their bodies after death balsamroot and covered with gold.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

1. "City of prayer flags" — a platform created for burial in the vicinity of the monastery Chalan (Chalang). Sale of County (Dari), Qinghai province, GoLoG Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, November 5, 2007. Photo: China Photos/Getty Images

"Sky burial" is practiced in all areas inhabited by Tibetans, including some Indian territory, such as Ladakh or Arunachal Pradesh.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

2. Deceased relatives pray during the burial ceremony in the "City of prayer flags", on the site created for burial in the vicinity of the monastery Chalan (Chalang).

In 1959, when the Chinese government was finally established on the territory of Tibet, the ritual was completely banned. Since 1974, after numerous requests of monks and Tibetans, the Chinese government has allowed the resumption of "sky burial".

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

3. The vultures gathered in the "City of prayer flags", on the site created for burial in the vicinity of the monastery Chalan (Chalang).

Now there are about 1100 sites for celestial burial ceremony. Ritual performed by special people — agapame.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

4. Rogaa ("gravedigger") sharpening a knife before the ceremony of burial in the "City of prayer flags".

When a Tibetan dies, his body set in a sitting position. So he is "sitting" for 24 hours while a Lama recites prayers from the Tibetan book of the dead.

These prayers are intended to help the advancement of the soul through the 49 levels of Bardo — the state between death and rebirth.

Three days after the death of a close friend of the deceased will take it back to the place of burial.

Rogaa first makes a lot of cuts on the body and gives body to the birds — the vultures doing most of the work, eating all flesh.

Next "the undertaker" collects and crushes the bones on a special flat stone, mix the crumbs with campoy (barley flour with Yak butter) and feeds it all to the birds.

The body is destroyed without a trace, in Tibetan Buddhism it is believed that thus the soul is easier to leave the body to find a new one.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

5. Tibetans believe that every once in a lifetime must see the rite of celestial burial, to realize, to experience the transience and ephemeral nature of life.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

6. Rogaa ("gravedigger") praying before the ceremony of burial in the "City of prayer flags". The surroundings of the monastery Chalan (Chalang). For the burial rogaa gets to 100 yuan (about 13.5 us dollars). Sale of County (Dari), Qinghai province, GoLoG Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, November 5, 2007. Photo: China Photos/Getty Images

How is "sky burial" in Tibet


How is "sky burial" in Tibet

8. Rogaa crushes the bones of the deceased during the burial ceremony.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

9. Rogaa feeds the vultures the meat of the deceased.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet


How is "sky burial" in Tibet

11. Rogaa cuts the body of the deceased.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

12. Rogaa prays during the burial ceremony.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

13. Lama prays during the burial ceremony in the "City of prayer flags".

How is "sky burial" in Tibet


How is "sky burial" in Tibet


How is "sky burial" in Tibet


How is "sky burial" in Tibet

17. Lama-Agapa washes after the burial ceremony.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

18. Lama-rogaa, when finished, returns home.

How is "sky burial" in Tibet

19. Rogaa, after work, drinking tea with the family.

Keywords: Funeral | Ritual | Rituals | Death | Tibet

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