How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

Categories: Children | Health and Medicine | Healthy lifestyle | North America | World

When doctors told the Americans Dustin and Rachel Hall that they could become parents only by losing a lot of weight, the couple seriously got down to business. As a result, the Halls threw off almost two hundredweight for two and received the coveted reward – they had a daughter.

How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

A couple of fat men lost 190 kilograms for two after unsuccessfully trying to become parents, which they undertook for seven years. When the doctors told them to lose weight in order to have a baby, they took it seriously – and they did it!

How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

37-year-old Dustin Hall in the process of fighting with excess weight lost 140 kilos, and his wife, 34-year – old Rachel, - 50. Dustin underwent a gastric anastomosis procedure, which reduced the size of his stomach, and switched to a low-carb, high-protein diet, which helped him lose weight from 241 to 96.7 kilograms.

Inspired by his success, Rachel underwent the same operation – and a little over a year later became pregnant. 9 months later, the couple from Lathrop, Northern California, had a daughter, Presley.

How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

Dustin, an insurance company employee, says:

How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

Dustin was put on a tightening tourniquet on his stomach, limiting its volume and capacity. In addition, he reduced the amount of carbohydrates in the diet and increased protein, giving up fast food and eating meat, fish, vegetables and fruits.

For two and a half years, the volume of Dustin decreased by 7 sizes.

How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

Instead of going to restaurants together, the couple now works out together in the gym.

How a couple from the United States got rid of 190 kilos of excess weight to become parents

Despite the success in losing weight, the couple was shocked when Rachel became pregnant.

Dustin is convinced that they had a child only because they were able to lose weight.

Keywords: North America | Health and medicine | World | Children | Child | Birth | Weight loss | Couple | Healthy lifestyle

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