Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Categories: Design and Architecture | Europe | History

The pearl of French architecture and the magnificent palace of a vain monarch, Versailles was created to emphasize all the greatness of the" sun king", Louis XIV. But for all the luxury there was not a single toilet provided.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Before the reign of Louis XIV, the residence of the French monarchs was the Louvre, but after a while the "sun king" decided to build a new palace in the suburbs of Paris. The official reason for the construction was called the king's fears for his life. He has repeatedly repeated that political intrigues do not allow him to sleep peacefully, so the residence should be moved away from the Parisian conspirators.

In fact, the reason was something else.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

After visiting the Minister of Finance Fouquet, Louis XIV saw the palace, which was much more beautiful and luxurious than the Louvre. And monarchs do not like it when someone demonstrates their superiority.

On the same evening, Louis XIV ordered the architects Louis Leveau, Jules Ardouin-Mansard and the park planner Andre Lenotre to come to him. They were given the task: to create an unheard-of palace of beauty that would reflect all the greatness of the French king. Thus began the history of Versailles. And Fouquet paid for the wounded pride of Louis XIV and was arrested in the same year 1661.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Louis XIV persistently focused the attention of architects on the fact that the palace should be built qualitatively and in the shortest possible time. But it didn't work out that way. A thousand workers were sent to Versailles. Then this figure increased by 30 times. When the country was not at war with anyone, soldiers were also sent to build the palace. People literally worked both day and night. Because of this, fatal accidents have become more frequent in the dark. At first, this information was kept from the king, but when the truth surfaced, the monarch ordered to pay generous compensation to the families of the victims.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

The money for the construction of the complex was taken from the treasury. But gradually the flow of funds dried up. Then the king shifted this mission to the courtiers. Every nobleman who was allocated apartments in Versailles, during the Nine Years ' War, had to pay for their construction independently.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Hasty construction and lack of funds had a downside. Many fireplaces were not functioning, gaps were visible on the windows and doors, which caused the wind to walk in the rooms, and the whole palace was very cold.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

But the most amazing thing is that for all the splendor of the palace, the architects did not design a single toilet! The king and queen had mobile booths for "these" cases, and the courtiers relieved themselves wherever they had to. In the galleries of Versailles, you can find many nooks and niches. Previously, they were closed with heavy curtains. It was there that the aristocracy arranged "public toilets".

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

By the way, it was then that the "sun king" issued a decree that everyone should come to Versailles, generously drenched in perfume. Some strong aromas interrupted others. Many guides claim that there is still a stinking smell in the remote corners of Versailles.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Work on the construction of Versailles continued after the death of Louis XIV. The maintenance of the palace cost the subsequent monarchs a pretty penny. And during the French Revolution of 1789, the magnificent complex was ruthlessly looted. True, when Napoleon came to power, he planned to revive the greatness of Versailles, but he did not succeed.

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

Versailles — a magnificent palace in which there was not a single toilet

The return of the Bourbons to power was most positively reflected in the fate of the palace complex. It was restored, and then made a museum.

Keywords: Europe | France | History | Palace | Design and architecture | King | Toilet | Versailles

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