"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

Categories: Culture | History | World

In 2015, the Krasnoyarsk regional Museum has received a request to photograph the sights of Krasnoyarsk, made during the reign of Emperor Nicholas II. During the search, employees of the Museum was struck by a strange fact: many photos they found the same girl. Several shots managed to see her creepy face with a grim — shivers — look. In the press and online of the child dubbed "girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk.

"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

Just found four glass negatives and 20 photos, who is the author of images — remains unclear. Not clear and the identity of the girls. In all the pictures she is 8-10 years old, she always in a hat and with umbrella in hands. The girl pretty white dress and coat, her long black braid flying, which is always slung over his shoulder. Due to the multiple increase of the photographs, the experts noticed that sometimes she has other boots and stockings.

"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

All images combines the sullen expression of the girl, other people seem not to understand the child. The girl appears in the background of famous buildings of the Krasnoyarsk Pushkin theater, the resurrection Cathedral, the bridge over the Yenisei river, and the Seminary, but it is not the Central subject. You need to look closely to see her.

Comparing the image with historical data, historians discovered that the photos were made from 1906 to 1908, however the girl did not change. She always looks the same, and where her face can be seen, very evil looking in the camera.

Who is the author of the photos is unclear. On some pictures there is a stamp "N. I. Hryhorivs'ka". Wife hryhorivs'ka was known Krasnoyarsk publishers and owned a store. On glass plates there are inventory numbers of the photographer Ludwig Vonage that in 1934 and handed them over to the local history Museum.

"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

Some pictures have the anagram "F. E. A.". The researchers suggested that the initials are the first letters of the name of the author. Even if the girl is the daughter or cousin of the photographer, why are there so many pictures where she just was present and acts as a subject? Most likely, the photo was taken by different authors and due to the fact that in many pictures unhappy young lady difficult to see her and found only a hundred years later.

The skeptics were surprised by the fact that for many years historians and historians did not notice the strange pictures. A version of the hoax photos, which aims to draw attention to the Krasnoyarsk. Theory has been disproven, as the four glass negatives of the girl is. Experts have proved that all images are genuine, they are no traces of editing and other manipulations.

"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

Proponents of mysticism believe that the ageless girl — ghostly phantom. Clairvoyants and psychics believe her unquiet soul of a child who died due to suffocation or hanging.

"Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

A series of tourist postcards provoked the possibility that mysterious girl is a Ghost the soul of the city of Krasnoyarsk. She now walks the streets and visits the places that she photographed. People who do not believe in the supernatural nature of girls, I think its a relative of the photographer. Although pictures and made by different people."Girl phantom" from Krasnoyarsk: the mystery of the photos taken 100 years ago

According to another version, the author of the spy, and he had to take pictures of the important venues of the city, many of which, like the bridge over the Yenisei river, or a railway station building, strategic. The girl was placed in the frame to distract Krasnoyarsk inhabitants and authorities. But all the buildings built not at the same time, and looks the girls must change, but that never happens.

Job care: find "girl phantom" in this photo

The exact answer to the question "Who is this girl?", no. So while the answer is not found, all versions have a right to exist. However, not only in Krasnoyarsk pop up strange images. Around the world people make pictures, which depicted a strange, spooky, and sometimes frightening things or phenomena.

Keywords: Girl | Mystery | Mystic | Ghost | Photography

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