Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Categories: Culture | Europe | World

Photographer, artist and writer Édouard Levé has created a very strange series of pictures, which he called "Pornography". His photographs show people in poses typical of "adult" films, with the only difference that in the frame everyone is ... fully clothed.

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

The stereotypical pornographic dramatizations shown to Lev have another interesting feature — they are completely devoid of emotions. The heroes of the pictures radiate absolute calm and coldness, as if they are engaged in monotonous work or perform simple physical exercises. This has an unusual effect on the viewer — it leaves a certain residue on the soul, the nature of which is difficult to explain.

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

In one of the interviews, the photographer says the following about his "Pornography":

Despite the ambiguous impression of viewing the photographs of this series, it is impossible to deny the author originality and skill — "Pornography" definitely deserves attention, as well as other series of pictures of this peculiar author.

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Edouard Levet came to photography from painting — he exchanged an easel and paints for a camera relatively recently. Having determined his priorities in life, the creator burned all his paintings before completely immersing himself in the world of color photography. All the scenes in Levi's photographs are always carefully thought out and verified to the smallest detail — this style has become a real calling card of the photographer's creativity.

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Clothed pornography by the master of staged photography Edouard Levet

Here is such a pornographic oxymoron from the French master of provocative photos. And what emotions do these strange pictures evoke in you?

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