Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

Categories: Children | Culture | Photo project

Kayla Glover has been a big fan of the Harry Potter series of books since the age of ten. Therefore, when it came to arranging a photo shoot for her born daughter Lorelei Grace, she immediately knew what topic to shoot on.

Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

"I can honestly say that I always planned to introduce my child to the magical world of Harry Potter at an early age," Kayla shared.

Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

"The baby really liked to chew a magic wand. When the glasses fell on her nose, she looked so funny! " — touched by the memories of the first experience of the transformation of her child Kyle.

Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

"I purposely put my old Harry Potter books on the background because they played a huge role in my life."

Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

"It seems that the baby's hair is turning red, so I'm already thinking about taking a picture of her in the image of someone from the Weasley family," Kayla added.

Charming photo shoot of a baby in the image of Harry Potter

Keywords: In the image | Harry potter | Daughter | Baby | Mother | Image | Photo shoot

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