10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

Categories: People | Society | Technology | World

Scrolling through pages and pages of terms and conditions is perhaps the biggest nuisance in our digital age. At least that's the form of torture I wish upon anyone who has ever wronged me. In my mind, hell is just having to read thousands of words of legal jargon in that irritating small print.

But terms and conditions aren't the only place where we find fine print. Marketers use it more and more to try to dupe their customers into buying their products. Want some watermelon juice? If you don't check the ingredients listed in the superfine print, you probably won't know there's no watermelon—just apples, beetroot, carrots, and ginger.

As absurd as it is, at least it can be funny. That's why we've compiled the most ridiculous reminders of why it's always best to read the fine print from all over the Internet. Let us know in the comments whether they make you laugh or mad, and share your infuriating examples!


10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#1 My Parents Bought Me A Doormat And This Was On The Back Of It. Read The Warning

Although many of the examples in this list are humorous, they're also good examples of unethical marketing. Fine print is one of the tactics marketers and companies use to mislead consumers. Ironically, we almost expect brands to deceive us. We're used to looking for information in fine print or tricky wording in ads. But is that the new standard now?

We contacted an expert who could shed some light on misleading marketing. Teresa Murray is a consumer watchdog director at the U.S. Public Interest Research Group (PIRG), and she kindly agreed to explain the importance of transparency in marketing and labeling. We discussed more than just absurd ads but hidden fees, surprise medical bills, and more serious issues.

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#2 Can You Figure Out Why I'm Infuriated Before The 4th Picture?

What the literal hell Sergeant's?
PS: I'm not concerned with the shampoo color, it became the host bottle for my cat's RX shampoo a long time ago.

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#3 "Gluten-Free"

How often have you been duped by an ad or a misleading label, Pandas? If you have, it was probably done by a company that's not very big on transparency. "Transparency is critically important for companies that sell products or services, whether they sell to consumers or other businesses," Teresa Murray tells Pictolic.

"Companies have a moral obligation to disclose all types of things relevant about a product or service." When buying a thing or a food item, the manufacturer should include information about what that product contains. If it's food or a thing that could cause an allergic reaction, companies should include exactly what is in the product.

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#4 I've Just Found Out That I Have A Wheat Intolerance

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#5 So It Was A Lie

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#6 Have You Ever Seen Anything So Bold?

In cases where the item is a toy, we as consumers should know whether it contains something that could compromise a child's privacy, like a microphone or camera. And it all should show on the label. Specific details about the quality of the item are also important. "If we're talking bedsheets, what's the thread count?" Murray asks. "If we're talking automobile tires, what's the mileage expectation? If it's an external hard drive, what's the capacity?"

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#7 I Was Wondering Why This Watermelon Juice Tasted So Weird

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#8 The Mixed Signals Of This Shoe Sale Advertisement

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#9 How To Disappoint Every Student On Campus

Some other questions Murray recommends to keep in mind are: "How much does it cost? Are there extra, mandatory fees? What's the warranty or guarantee? Are there any terms and conditions?"

Considering these questions will make you a well-informed consumer. And a company that answers them on a label or an ad is most likely ethical. "Transparency is important because we're giving our hard-earned money to companies. We need to know exactly what we're paying for," Murray explains.

10 Times Information In The Fine Print Was So Absurd People Just Had To Share It

#10 2nd Birthday Badge Is Potentially A Choking Hazard

Keywords: Information | Absurd prints | Printed pages | Digital age | Technology | People

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