Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Categories: Europe | History

There are amazing people who do not like history and think history is boring, unclear and uninteresting. But writer Diana Udovichenko different opinion and wants to convince the others. A woman told a fragment of the life of a French fortune-teller Marie Lenormand is so easy and fun that it's any would love to read it.

Below are the words of the author. I assure you, the story of Black Mary deserves attention.

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Portrait Of Maria Lenormand

There was in the eighteenth century, in France, a lady named Maria Lenormand. From birth she was special. The midwife, taking the hands curve the baby, who happily bared a full set of teeth, screamed and fled in terror. The parents of Maria, of course, upset that her daughter turned out lopsided and lame, but more worried about weird fucked***toast girls. Here, guests come to him, and Maria says:

Talk to people all the s**t, those offended, go away and then and it is true: one died, the other wife with young neighbor rented.

In short, parents from such a shame in 6 years Mary surrendered to the shelter at the Benedictine monastery.

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Lenormand fortune-telling in the cabin

Stayed in the orphanage until the age of 16, then moved to Paris and opened a salon of divination. Come to her Marie Antoinette, and the Jacobins, Marat, Robespierre and Saint-just.

Gilded her pen, asking:

And poked in all but a Marat. He exhales with relief, and Lenormand adds:

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

The Execution Of Marie-Antoinette

Then, when they take turns of the head began to cut, as the cabbage, I remembered Lenormand, but too late. But after this incident, the teller called the Black Maria. Like, ask her future to come.

And began to guess only the women. In 1795, came to her two girlfriends Theresa tharien and Josephine de Beauharnais. Tarot looked at them, looked, and said:

Josephine de Beauharnais

Ladies left, and then it all came true. Barraza Josefina tired, he shoved her to marry a Bonaparte, and he has made a career of the Emperor. Josephine was not a fool: resorts to Lenormand, knocks her loot by the ton, and not asked to leave in the future. To warn against the shoals.

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Josephine de Beauharnais and Napoleon

Josephine come on Napoleon to talk. He got mad, and yells:

And Russia is going. And here is Paris, a rumor that all inclusive in a barbaric country includes frosts, snow and a few bumps in Bochin. And Lenormand this hearing strongly supports.Bonaparte calls the Marshal Jean Bernadotte says:

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Marie Lenormand

Bernadotte pretended to be a wealthy merchant, and invited Mary to ride on the boat. Here they are floating romantically along the Seine, and the Marshal and asks:

Bernadotte a little surprised, but gave no sign, and asked again:

Bernadotte then threw her off the boat and swam back. As Maria swayed majestically down the stream, until it was pulled out by fishermen.

Black Maria: like a French fortune-teller predicted the death of Napoleon, but he didn't believe her

Marie Lenormand and Napoleon

The fortune teller settled in London. Her prophecies came true. Marshal Bernadotte because of a number of incredible events became the king of Sweden. There's just all heirs to the throne died one after the other. Napoleon divorced Josephine, and then he was killed in Russia. The Lenormand was strangled with a pillow 23 Jun 1843, she predicted.

The moral: don't believe fortune-tellers, do not believe your own business. Except in one case. If you are warned not to go to Russia so I do not go. And even if you do not warn, still in Russia did not go. Sit your ass down, eat foie Gras, love Josephine, Intourist, will be more whole.

Keywords: Divination | The Emperor Napoleon | A prophet | France

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