Bears, vodka, balalaika and other "cranberries" about Russia in Hollywood

Bears, vodka, balalaika and other "cranberries" about Russia in Hollywood

Categories: Cinema | Culture | Nations | Positive | Society

Sometimes you watch another Hollywood movie about Russians and you can't help but think… It seems that the directors did everything to make the film "good": they hired famous actors, worked on special effects, and the plot is interesting… But something is still "wrong".

And all because almost every film Western directors "shove" already worn-out stereotypes about the Russians. This, of course, is vodka, a hat with earflaps, a balalaika, songs about Katyusha, and sometimes even a bear! We have collected the most popular examples of such files for you below.

Bears, vodka, balalaika and other "cranberries" about Russia in Hollywood

Almost all Russians are called Ivans and they all love to fight

In any Hollywood movie that shows Russians, there must be at least one character named Ivan. Think of "Red Heat" with Ivan Danko, "Iron Man" with Ivan Vanko, or Ivan Drago from the Rocky movie series.

But Ivanov is united not only by the most common name in Russia (according to Western directors), but also by the fact that they all love to wave their fists. Don't feed me bread, let me fight with someone!

And, of course, all the Ivans have incredible strength and endurance. A vivid example of this is Ivan Danko from "Red Heat", played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The scene in which he snatches a man's prosthetic leg and says "Cocainum" is so funny that it has already gone on memes.

All Russians know how to play the balalaika and know the "Box" by heart

"There is no Russian in the world who does not know our "Box"." At least, the creators of the film "Heartbreakers"were sure of this. Many people remember the scene in which the main character, posing as a Russian, had to perform a famous song in a bar. And it was the fact that the woman did not know her words that caused others to suspect that she was actually no Russian!.

Apparently, the West believes that Russians spend all their free time playing balalaika and singing " Box "with " Katyusha". But let's be honest, do you know the words to any of these songs? Can you play the balalaika?

Vodka-favorite drink

Bears, vodka, balalaika and other "cranberries" about Russia in Hollywood

For most Westerners, the words "vodka" and "Russia" seem to have long been synonymous. Even Brad Pitt once, trying to describe the extent of his passion for alcohol, said that at one time he even " could drink too much Russian!". Well, how many times this alcoholic drink appeared in Hollywood films, it is difficult to even count.

One of the last such examples is the film "Salt" with the participation of Angelina Jolie. You probably remember the moment when the main character "knocks over a stack" in the company of her Russian comrades. By the way, and in this tape, the actress appeared in front of the audience in a "typical Russian" fur hat. Another cliche.

All Russians wear earflaps

Bears, vodka, balalaika and other "cranberries" about Russia in Hollywood

And again about hats! In the photo above, Lev Andropov is a Russian cosmonaut from the film "Armageddon", who is wearing his favorite hat-earflaps (attention!) I flew into space! Why do Western directors believe that Russians love this headdress so much that they can't part with it even in zero gravity?

Although, the film "Armageddon" is already full of cliches about the Russians. Lev Andropov is unshaven, drunk, wears a padded jacket (and a hat with earflaps) and uses physical force in any incomprehensible situations. The only strange thing is that his name isn't Ivan.

KGB, spies, Mafia

Bears, vodka, balalaika and other "cranberries" about Russia in Hollywood

Everyone remembers an excerpt from the movie "Kick-ass", where the heroine, nicknamed Maza Rush (already funny), "knocked down" everyone who gets in her way? And all why? Because the woman is a former KGB agent, which automatically makes her an incredibly powerful killing machine.

However, in other Hollywood films, Russian spies are practically no different from Maza Rashi. Unless their names are more realistic. Ruthlessness, cruelty and the ability to fight well, apparently, are provided along with Russian citizenship. And a love of fur hats, playing the balalaika and drinking vodka.

Keywords: Culture | Russian federation | Peoples | Films | Positive | Stereotype | Cinema | Society | Russians | Russia

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