25 amazingly weird wedding traditions from around the world
Categories: Nations
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/25-amazingly-weird-wedding-traditions-from-around-the-world.htmlAll cultures, countries and different Nations, each nation has its own traditions and customs. But one thing remains common — wedding! No matter how "uncivilized" and isolated nor was any community, sooner or later you will see in it something more or less like a wedding. However, from country to country wedding traditions are very different, and sometimes among them there are some that may surprise or even shock. We offer to your attention a list of the most bizarre wedding traditions from around the world.
1. Blackening of the bride.
The Scots in some parts of the country has long been organizing such an unpleasant ritual. Friends or relatives steal betrothed future bride and pour it with fluid, which can include molasses, flour, mud, and even animal excrement. After the bride blackened, taking her around the city for all to see or tied to a tree. The Scots believe that this humiliation is preparing the bride for the harsh realities of family life.
2. Salted wedding song.
Although the wedding in many cultures of the world is often accompanied by tears of the bride and other women of the Tujia people in China have raised this "tradition" to a new level. Starting a month before the wedding, the bride is crying for one hour a day. After 10 days, she is joined by a mother, and in 10 days — grandmother. By the end of the month, each woman is crying of the family along with the bride. Why? Well, it's kind of like an expression of joy, because women cry in a different tone, so their cry resembles something like a song... very salty and wet songs.
3. Chicken liver from China.
In Inner Mongolia, the Daur live. In order to assign a particular date of the wedding, the bride and groom of this nation need to kill the chicken, holding the knife together. Then it must be gut, and look for the liver. If the liver is good, the young are allowed to choose on the wedding day. If not, they will repeat the process until you find a good liver.
4. Wedding with a tree.
In some parts of India, there is an impediment to marriage — "Mangal dosha" (astrological combination, when Mars and Saturn together in the 7th house). People born in the days of "Mangal dosha", called "manglik", they are considered cursed and can bring their spouse die prematurely. To get rid of the curse, they need first to symbolically marry the tree. After that the tree be cut down and the curse is considered destroyed. Poor tree!
5. To keep it all inside.
The couple in the Indonesian community tedong living in the Northern part of Borneo for three days and three nights after the wedding locked in the house and not even allowed to go to the toilet. The perfect time for the wedding night, right? During those three days for young couple watching a few people that the bride and groom give the minimum amount of food and water. It is believed that such a honeymoon, spent under house arrest, promotes a happy marriage and the conception of healthy children.
6. Bottoms up!
Earlier in France, when the wedding ceremony was coming to an end, the guests gathered leftover food from the holiday table, and stirred them into the potty. Then they broke into the newlywed's room to force the young to eat the contents of the pot. This was done in order to groom and bride Napping before the wedding night. Today, fortunately, the scraps from the table is replaced with chocolate and champagne.
7. Give me two!
The tribe Nuer in southern Sudan, the marriage is not considered valid until the woman gives birth to her husband two children. If it fails, the man is entitled to demand a divorce.
8. FIE on you!
At the wedding of representatives of the Masai tribe in Kenya, often seen as the father of the bride, before she leaves the village with her new husband, blesses daughter by spitting on her head and chest.
9. A make-out party.
In Sweden, every time a bride or groom leave the holiday table to go to the toilet, his partner/partner... kiss. If you leave the bridegroom, every man in the room may kiss the bride, and Vice versa.
10. The woman is the man.
In Spartan culture, the bride had to shave his head and dressed like a man, and groom, on the contrary, wear a dress. As you can see, some modern brides and grooms, too, sometimes followed by the ancient Spartan tradition.
11. A stick on the soles of his feet.
According to the Korean wedding traditions, before the wedding night, the groom beaten on the soles of the feet with a stick or fish — the only way it will come into law a married man. In addition, this verifies that the strength and stability of character of her future husband. The ritual can be somewhat painful, but mostly is for fun, not for cruelty.
12. Fairy kidnappers.
In Ireland, when the couple is dancing, the bride's feet should not get off the ground. The Irish believe that if young will rip your legs off the floor, it will carry away evil fairies. Where is the logic? Evil fairies love beautiful things. Bride is beautiful. But fairies can carry a bride, if it's not touching the floor.
13. Meek Chechen bride.
In the Chechen Republic believe that a wife should be modest and Mature. Traditionally, during the wedding, the bride stands in the corner, away from the eyes of guests. Traditions make her all day on her feet, not allowed to speak to the relatives of the husband while they did not appeal to her. Restraint bride even checked. Each of the relatives alternately of a girl asking her to bring a glass of water, and when she does it, I try to get her to talk. To do this, there are some proven ways you can make fun of the appearance of the bride, to praise, and we can discuss groom. If the girl does not stand up and respond to the taunt, it will indicate its intemperance and folly. All she is allowed to say: "Drink to your health!"
14. Aim precisely!
In the culture of the Uighurs (an ethnic minority living in China) groom three shoots his bride from a bow... Okay, no arrows on the tips, but it's still something to shoot rubber bullets. After the ceremony, the groom collects the arrows and break them, thus promising that love will be eternal. Reminiscent of the tale of the frog Princess!
15. Human doormat.
On the Islands of French Polynesia Marquesas after the official ceremony, the bride's relatives lie next to each other in the mud face down, and the couple must work through them as on the Mat.
16. Theft of shoes.
In some parts of India the groom before stepping up to the wedding altar must remove your shoes. Once it is produced, all the bride's relatives are trying to kidnap her, and the groom's relatives to guard. If the relatives of the bride will be able to steal the shoes, they will not give up until you pay them.
17. Poltergeist.
In some countries, guests give the bride and groom the new plates. In Germany the guests to do the same... and then break them. It is believed that rattle and jingle scare evil spirits away from a new family.
18. Our smaller brothers.
Although no country in the world does not recognize marriage between man and animal, such unions are practiced in many countries, such as India, to scare away evil spirits. In particular, it is believed that the ghosts possess the girls who are born with a milk tooth erupted through the gum, or those who are born with deformities and imperfections in the face. Usually marriage is a goat or dog. Of course, girls do not expect sexual relations with an animal, and in the future she may marry the man, but in the case that the ghosts left their victims.
19. Mother's help.
In some villages in Africa, the older woman must accompany the newlyweds to the bedroom in their wedding night, to "enter in". Although this is usually a village elder, sometimes it can be the mother of the bride. And you thought your mother-in-law is too annoying...
20. No laughing matter.
In Congo, the marriage is so serious that the bride and groom are forbidden to smile the whole ceremony.
21. Bride kidnapping.
Practiced in many countries of Africa and Asia. If the groom will be by persuasion or deceit to kidnap the girl and leave her in the house for 2-3 days, it will officially announce his wife. But in many countries this can lead to a woman being raped and/or forced to marry by force.
22. Charivari.
In France, the friends and relatives gather near the house of newlyweds on their wedding night and start beating pots and pans, to scream and shout. Not only that, it spoils all the romance, the couple still have to go to them and buy snacks and drinks!
23. Saw, Shura, saw...
In Germany there is a wedding tradition, consisting in the fact that the bride and groom at the wedding needs to cut a piece of wood using joint efforts. This tradition symbolizes that relationships are work, and efforts should be made to preserve them in the future as they are.
24. Wish I could see.
In the Baltic States are still waiting for during the dance, the groom will cry out from the pain. It's an indication that the bride kept a long tradition. The girl simply it comes to her husband on the leg to make sure it is not the devil with hooves.
25. Moorish beauties.
In Mauritania, there is a wedding tradition where the bride before the wedding is sent to fattening to gain weight. It is believed that curvy bride testify to the prosperity and well-being of her parents.
Keywords: Wedding | Peoples | Traditions | Marriage | Couples | Amazing
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