9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

Categories: Asia | Culture | Lifestyle | People | Photo project | Society | Tradition | World

Let's face it, China is considered a bit of an outcast because of the pesky Chinese tourists and the superficial impressions of those who live in the west. Therefore, we decided to collect all the stereotypes and try to break them.


9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

1. The Chinese eat dogs and cats.

We will not argue with anyone about what is better than eating cows, pigs, and chickens. Yes, dogs are sometimes eaten in China, but the number of people doing this is extremely small.

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

2. You can't tell one Chinese from another.

Of course, this is a myth. Malaysian and Singaporean Chinese are different, as are northern and southern Chinese. The whole point is that you need to get used to your surroundings, and you will soon notice their diversity.

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

3. The growth of the Chinese is low.

Their growth was indeed related to their diet, but over the past two decades their well-being has improved and they have become taller.

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

4. All Chinese goods are bad.

Of course, a lot of cheap Chinese products are real consumer goods, but if you look at the labels of almost any well-known brands, you will see Made in China on them. Quality is not determined by the country of origin, but by the manufacturer. And to everything else in China, you can establish your own production or business with other factories. Just look at the services provided by the transport company GZ CARGO so that you have no doubts.

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

5. Everything is cheap in China.

There is a huge difference in costs between major cities and provinces: you can rent a big apartment for $200 in central China, but you can't even get a small room for $500 in Shanghai. But food in China is really very cheap.

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

6. The Chinese only eat rice.

In fact, Chinese cuisine is one of the richest and most diverse. There are just so many ways to cook vegetables. What can we say about the assortment of spices?

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

7. Severe penalties for drug-related crimes.

Most foreigners are outraged by this, and unlike the other items on this list, it's true: China is cruel to drug traffickers and the punishment ranges from long prison terms to the death penalty. However, this is not a whim, but a necessity. At the turn of the 20th century, about a third of China's population were opium addicts, so it's not surprising that the Chinese government is doing everything to prevent this from happening again.

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

8. All Chinese are masters of kung fu.

That's right, and all Russians love vodka. Kung Fu is indeed an integral part of Chinese culture. The number of adherents here is much higher than in the West, but most of them remain at a fairly low level - in line with amateur basketball, let's say.

9 popular stereotypes about China that are far from the truth

9. One family - one child.

The one-child rule is relevant for big cities. In the provinces, parents simply pay a fine when they register a second (or third) child or even leave them unregistered, which doesn't really bother them. By the way, from January 1, 2016, the Chinese are allowed to have two children.

Keywords: Stereotypes | Popular stereotypes | China | Chinese | Chinese tourists | People | Culture | Asia | Traditions

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