7 unusual occupations that are highly valued in Russia
Categories: History
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/7-unusual-occupations-that-are-highly-valued-in-russia.htmlNo one will argue with the fact that Russia is a unique country, where it can happen that it is impossible in any other country. The special needs of the Russian people gave rise to an unusual, often unique crafts. About seven of such old and a bit strange professions, we want to tell you.
The exact meaning of the word "buffoon" is unknown, but historians and linguists tend to believe that it came from a Byzantine "scammer" — to entertain, make funny. Speaking in favor of this and way of life of Russian buffoons, who was as nomadic as colleagues from Byzantium.
Therefore, our powers don't complain too sharp tongue wandering artists, and clergy and is believed them to be accomplices of the evil forces. Even dressed buffoons, according to Orthodox saints, a sin — in korotkoye kaftans, colorful caps with bells and outrageous mask, often suspicious recognizable.
A special caste of itinerant actors were puppeteers, who in their representation used as a screen long skirt with hoops, which were pulled up above his head. In itself it was lewdness, and when you consider that often the heroes of the puppet show visited pop, shit, merchant and Lord, it becomes clear that artists of this genre loved the people and hated at the top.
But there are exceptions. Adored musicians Tsar Ivan the terrible. Love the harsh ruler to these artists was so great that he could not restrain himself, and ceremonies in devilish clothes, dance with them in the midst of the chambers. Appreciated these artists, and Tsar Peter I, known for its predilection for questionable beliefs and sinful feasts.
An indispensable attribute of any of the buffoon was a tambourine. This primitive at first glance, musical instrument was very simple and to manufacture needed a specialist. Submodel is a scarce and precious profession, whose members were engaged in the production, in General, any percussion instruments.
From the workshop of bobadela out the drums, the drums, and even timpani. For the army, these craftsmen have created a huge nabaty, the sound of which was like a thunder, and inspired awe to the enemy. To play on such an instrument was required from three to four drummer.Good submodel was always at a premium. This profession had many secrets that have been passed down from generation to generation. The master was to be able to handle leather, wood and metal, and also to play on their products.
Experts know that the best rim was made of birch, but before you can bend the wood into a ring, its soaked in water for at least a week. Was its intricacies and in working with leather. Having made a mistake in selecting or processing of the material, submodel risked to useless crafts with deaf or rattling sound.
The people of this ancient profession today would surely be subjected to severe persecution. Their job was to go to the villages and offer the inhabitants of different household small things in exchange for unwanted cats and dogs. In the old days people were more practical and not so sentimental.
Old murk or a Bug and no longer of use? Why not convert them into the farm thing of Kostava. This stray animals businessman killed and skinned and their pelts went for sewing cheap clothes. Koloskovy (cat) and starikovy (dog) fur demand from the peasants and poor townspeople.
I must say that Kashkari took into circulation Pets with the permission of their owners. Therefore, people of this unpleasant profession liked to say, pocketing the beast: "I did Not beat — owner beats!". However, I would say that this craft did not hesitate and theft cats and dogs, if on fair exchange no one came.
Boots are considered native Russian shoes, but the modern name they have received recently. In Russia they were called kalanikai, and the people who made Catalani. Shoes this was very highly valued, especially in the Northern regions, and their production was heavy and very harmful.
Rolled worked year-round in the sweltering heat and humidity. The raw material for the boots — sheep wool, it was first necessary to thoroughly clean of debris. After that she laid out and "beat" is specially manufactured with a stick. Later, for this was to use a stretched string, and the work of Catala became a little easier.
Broken "in tatters" wool (a term, incidentally, from skiing case), laid out in the shape of the letter "T" was sativali and treated with boiling water. This technology is today called wet felting and the process execute machine. But in the past all had to do with his hands and a simple wooden tools.
Boots can be not only different sizes, but different style. Most prized wool shoes with a thin shaft, and made sure the customer's feet. Such an order could carry not every Catala and did a "chic" the client is not cheap.
Honey in Russia were valued at all times, especially wild forest. But wanting to climb into the hollow to the bees has always been a little, and these people stood out as a separate profession. Bortnyky knew about bees and their habitats everything, so successfully seized the honey for themselves with minimal damage.
Later, someone came up with the idea that beekeeping can do without exhausting forest Hiking and climbing in the trees. The bees began to slip the finished hole in the hollowed out inside of a tree trunk. This log was called "bort" and were decorated with the personal stamp of the manufacturer.
Bortnyky learned bumpers each other and supported professional ethics, harvesting honey and wax only on their land. The thieves, who are sometimes caught for sampling someone else's honey could not only hard to beat, but decided to do — it-forest, secretive.
The bones of our ancestors has always had a sacred significance. So the princes loved to drink Mead from cups made of skulls of the enemy. In less harsh times, this kind custom was abolished and began to make and just beautiful utensils from the bones of cows, walruses, whales and fossil animals.
Working with bone was given not to everyone. One skill and talent were not enough — you had a lot of patience, which was not all. In Russia there were a few places where bone carving has become the traditional Handicrafts and products of the local craftsmen were easily recognizable experts in style and particular working techniques.
High valued products from North Kholmogory. Two carved casket from "fish tooth", that is, the Tusk of the walrus, the master presented to Catherine I. One of them was decorated with gold and the other silver. Under Peter I, this art has reached a special height — the king of love curios and wizards tried to outdo one another. Bone carved miniature playing cards and chess, snuff and powder, whole cane and even a tiny shoes.
If ordinary people were hunting, fishing and a way to get meat and fur, for kings, princes and boyars, she was a kind of sport. Everyone tried to outdo each other in the hunting skill and blunders was seen as a disgrace. Therefore, the Russian aristocrats and hired people like Swarovski.
It was the real experts of hunting, often lived most of his life in the dense forest edges. The duties of Swarovski consisted of selecting the time and place of hunting, and also offers a game drive. He had to expel the animal on the right person, so that he could personally kill him or catch.
Later, the scope of activities of Zverovich expanded, with the arrival fashion on zoos. Russian tsars loved to show off to guests of exotic Pets, and those, in turn, often portrayed the owner of an exotic living gifts.
Peacocks, leopards, crocodiles and even elephants — who was not only in zoos Russian autocrats. Do not lag behind the kings and persons of lower rank, if it was not possible to have a tiger or lion, magistrates and mayors had bears, deer and moose. For all these animals and said Zverovich who had to become a specialist in local and overseas beasts.
Keywords: Zoo | Skill | Shoes | Profession | Russia | Old man | Jokes
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