In search of the Lost Frog: The rarest species of amazing frogs in fantastic photos
Categories: Animals
By Pictolic"In Search Of Lost Frogs" (In Search Of Lost Frogs) is a book by conservationist and photographer Robin Moore, who went on a trip to different countries of the world to find and photograph the rarest amphibians in the world — amazing frogs and salamanders, which disappeared from sight at the beginning of the century. In 2010, 126 more researchers from 21 countries joined the photographer, and together they were able to find 100 of the rarest frogs in the world. The discoveries of this expedition give hope that it is not too late to save some species and that everything will be just as wonderful with them, as shown in Robin Moore's stunning photographs.
Cuchumatan Golden Toad
Masked Treefrog
Hourglass Frogs
Reticulated Glass Frog
Macaya Breast-Spot Frog
Salamander Finca Chiblac
Hourglass Frog
Red-Eyed Treefrogs
Palawan Horned Frog
Gliding Treefrog
Eleutherodactylus glandulifer
Golfo Dulce Poison Dart Frog
Eyelash Frog
Lazarus frog
Red-Eyed Treefrog
Reticulated Glass Frog
Guatemalan brook frog, Duellmanohyla soralia
Axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum
Panamanian golden frogs
Glass frogs
Espadarana prosoblepon
Beaked Toads
Harlequin frog
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