"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

Categories: Animals

Did you know that one fifth of all known human mammals — bats? Or that kangaroos are funny and clumsy, ' cause can't move one leg independently of the other? Assistant in the zoo and aquarium Columbus uncovered amazing facts about animals a lot and we didn't know.

"We, the assistants, are in the zoo to answer questions about the animals, educate visitors about programs for the conservation of animals and just to help them." According to the assistant to the zoo, this job requires full attention and she loves it: "This is my favorite thing in life. We help visitors to learn more about the zoo, which is very proud of."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animalsThe truth about the reindeer of Santa Claus

"Reindeer is the only species of deer whose horns are as in males and females. Males drop their antlers in early December, and females in the spring. So all of the reindeer in the sleigh of Santa Claus girls. I love to tell the little children".

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animalsElephants with identity

"Elephants are among the few animals that can pass the test of the mirror — in other words, they are able to see in the mirror his reflection (and to think that this different elephant, as do dogs or cats). In addition, it can make higher primates, orcas, dolphins and magpies".

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animalsThe joints are Flamingo

"Usually people think that flamingos knees bend in the wrong direction. Actually it's not the knees: what you see in the middle of the feet, is their ankle. Knees they are above and bent in the same direction that we have."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animalsKids kangaroo

"Female kangaroos can simultaneously raise three kids at different stages of development — the embryo in the womb (a kangaroo can do the so-called embryonic diapause — preventing the development of the fetus as long as the expectant mother is ready for its further development), kangaroo bag, which she feeds, and the baby that is already jumping. Each of the nipples of the females produces different milk, suitable for three kids of different ages".

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"There are several ways of classifying the big cats, and one of them — the division into growling (tigers, lions) and purring (Rys). Puma is the largest purring cat. I heard she is doing amazing. A purring Cheetah seems to work motorcycle engine idling".

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"The polar bears fur is not white, it is actually transparent, as the optical fiber. And their skin is black."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"One-fifth of all known mammals are bats".

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"Kangaroos can't move each leg separately, only two at the same time is when they're on the ground. But when kangaroos swim, then you can move your feet independently from each other. When walking they make up the front legs and tail."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"Monkey galimany have a silvery-gray color. And here their young are born orange, as oranges".

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"Gorilla fall in love with each other. And people who care for them. Males still masturbate. Don't know if it's a female, never seen. So gorillas have frequent drama."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"When you see in movies like flying bald eagle, hear the majestic sound. That's just actually it's not his voice, but the recording of the cry of other birds, usually the red-tailed Buzzard. The real voice of the eagles are more like the squeak of a kitten".

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"Giraffes only sleep 1-2 hours a day."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"All Grizzlies are brown bears but not all brown bears — the Grizzlies. Grizzly bear is subspecies of brown bears."

"Turtles are very loud mate. Very" and other revelations of the workers of the zoo about the animals

"If the Rhino knocks his horn, then it grows much faster than you think. Rosie has twice been hit by the horn."

Keywords: Zoo | Wonder | Revelation | Facts

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