7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

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Nowadays, there are many ways to take care of your beauty and health, but Indians are trying to find the main source of all this, including digestive problems, since stomach problems can lead to many different diseases, including skin problems and rapid deterioration of well-being. Aging.

We've put together 7 Indian tips to help you stay young and healthy longer. Please consult your doctor if you have any contraindications.


7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

1. Indian Ayurveda recommends not drinking water immediately before and immediately after meals. When you drink water just before a meal, you can dilute the stomach acid responsible for digestion. And if you drink water immediately after eating, it can directly affect the state of food in the stomach; and, if digestion is poor, it can lead to poor skin quality and even obesity. Experts recommend a 30-minute window both before and after a meal.

7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

2. Indians recommend a well-balanced diet consisting of all 6 tastes including sweet, salty, sour, bitter, spicy, and astringent. It can improve your immunity.

7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

3. Toxins are the cause of allergies. The Indians suggest eating ghee, which neutralizes most of the toxins. So add a spoonful of ghee to your meal. Ghee does not contain the same amount of milk proteins as butter, so people who cannot tolerate dairy can try this product.

7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

4. According to Ayurveda, warming spices improve digestion. In addition, they help eliminate allergies by improving your immune system. You can add ginger to your tea and drink it every day to maintain the effect.

7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

5. Indian doctors recommend avoiding stale, cold foods. They are much more difficult to digest and can lead to the formation of toxins.

7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

6. People with acidity, acid reflux, or indigestion are advised to avoid eating yogurt or cottage cheese at night. The reason is that it can cause constipation when the body is ready for sleep. It is perfectly normal to eat it during the day.

7 Indian tips to keep you young and healthy

7. The easiest way to lead a healthy lifestyle, according to Indian doctors, is to arrange the right daily routine. This includes waking up 2 hours before sunrise. You also need to eat on time and sleep on time.

Keywords: Indian tips | Healthy life | Beauty tricks | Digestive problems | Skin problems | Aging | Indians

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