6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

Categories: Asia | Nations

Every country in the world is associated with a certain smell. India is remembered by the aroma of spices, France-the smell of croissants, Turkey – coffee and hookah smoke. But Japan has a very specific smell, we can say that it is absent. In this country, they do not like strong scents and therefore almost do not use perfumes. Japan is strongly associated only with the smell of freshly washed things and freshness. But how do Japanese women manage to do without deodorants and perfumes?

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

Japanese traditions are such that any strong smell coming from a person is considered indecent, provocative. It was the Land of the Rising Sun that gave rise to the concepts of " smell harassment "or" sume-hara", that is, causing discomfort to others with its smell. The country even sells electronic devices that measure the intensity of aromas, so that it is easier for the Japanese to determine how seriously their sense of smell has been encroached upon.

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

Probably, it is this delicate attitude to the world of fragrances, practiced for centuries, that has led to the fact that the Japanese are much better than other nations at distinguishing smells. In any situation, a Japanese person does not smell of anything except clean clothes, and this is strange, since it is very hot in the cities of the country in the summer, and deodorants are not in demand.

Scientists have already determined that nature itself helped the Japanese get rid of unpleasant odors. The thing is that they have a low level of protein in the composition of sweat, namely, the decaying protein gives an unpleasant smell. In addition, the inhabitants of the Japanese islands have fewer sweat glands than other inhabitants of the planet.

But that's not all – imagine that these people have also built the absence of odors into a cult that they clearly follow. Here are a few rules of Japanese women that allow you to always stay fresh, without using deodorants and other modern tricks.

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

Oral hygiene in Japan is taken as seriously as the cleanliness of hands, face and clothes. Coming home from the street, the Japanese wash their hands and certainly rinse their mouth with a special refreshing composition called "ugai-do". They rinse their mouth after eating, before going to visit and before visiting the temple.

But this is not enough for some Japanese women, so they use special dietary supplements that help eliminate any bad breath. Stale breath is also blamed here, like the smell of sweat or stale underwear.

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

We brush our teeth in the morning and in the evening, but in Japan it is customary to carry out this procedure after each meal. It may seem strange, but a Japanese person always keeps a toothbrush with him, even if he just goes to a cafe, restaurant or to a party. And believe me – these people will definitely find the time and place to properly treat their teeth and gums. The Japanese even have a special art of brushing their teeth – hamigaki.

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

Japanese women have their own bathing ritual, which seems unnecessarily complicated to Europeans. First, the woman washes herself in the shower, using gels, soaps, shampoos and other means. Then she plunges into a bath in which salts and aromatic oils are dissolved in water, after which she takes a shower again. Yes, once a week it is customary to visit the traditional Japanese bath "sento".

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

It is easy to notice that the casual clothes of Japanese women are as closed as possible. Long dresses with sleeves, pantsuits and closed shirts are popular in the country. In such clothes, the pores of the skin are not clogged with dust, which means they work effectively. And closed clothing also maintains optimal humidity, which is very important for hygiene and health.

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

Is known. that the smell depends on how a person eats. In Japan, they know that meat contributes to the release of odors from sweat and from the mouth, so women try not to use it or eat it in minimal quantities. Meat products can be served as an additive designed to set off the taste of the main component of the dish, but not as a separate unit of the menu.

Fruits and vegetables, fish, shellfish, marine plants and tea are the basis of nutrition. Dairy products are not in great demand, and gluten and refined fats are completely absent from the diet of Japanese women.

6 secrets of freshness: how Japanese women keep a pleasant body smell without perfume

In Japan, many cosmetic and hygiene products are produced, about which we do not know anything. All these deodorants for feet, applied through tights, drying sprays with tannin and evaporating moisture from the skin creams work perfectly, but they almost never smell.

As for perfumes, Japanese women have them, but these products work in a completely different way. The perfume is produced with very subtle, barely perceptible fresh aromas that do not leave a trail behind. There are also completely unique perfumes that are available in tablets. After taking such a remedy, the fragrance is released through the pores of the skin.

Keywords: Asia | Japan | Peoples | Traditions | Smells | Cleanliness | Perfumery

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