2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

Categories: Asia | Children | Habit | Nations | News | People | Photo project | Production | Society | Sport | World

An Indian girl from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, has set a new national record in archery. This would not be surprising if it were not for her age - Dolly Shivani Cherukuri is only 2 years old!


2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

1. According to the Indian Book of Achievements, Dolly set the national record after firing thirty-six arrows at a target from five meters. (Photo: Strdel / Getty Images).

2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

2. The second time she hit the center of the target from a distance of seven meters. Dolly set this record three days before her third birthday. (Photo: Strdel / Getty Images).

2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

3. Dolly is the youngest Indian woman to have achieved over 200 points in exhibition performances. In total, she scored three hundred and eighty-eight points. (Photo: Strdel / Getty Images).

2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

4. Dolly's father, Cherukuri Satyanarayana, said that she began to prepare to become a champion in archery almost from birth, after the tragic death of her older brother, Cherukuri Lenin, who was an international archer and trainer. (Photo: Strdel / Getty Images).

2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

5. “My daughter has achieved a very important result, which we have all dreamed of for a long time ... I cannot express in words how happy my family is,” says the father of the young miracle archer. (Photo: Strdel / Getty Images).

2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

6. Cherukuri Satyanarayana is the head of the Volga Archers Academy. Many first-class athletes have been brought up under his leadership. Apparently, his daughter has every chance to become one of the best and, as a result, to achieve the main goal of every archer - to become an Olympic champion. (Photo: V. Raju).

2 year old Indian girl set national record in archery

7. Archery is a very popular sport in India. Thanks to such nuggets as Dolly, this country has every chance of becoming a world leader in this discipline in the near future and claiming the main awards of the Olympic Games. (Photo: nieuwsblad.be).

Keywords: India | Girl | Children | Race | Record | Archery | People

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