13 vintage photos in which people are haunted by the shadow of an unknown person in a hat
Categories: History | Photo project
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/13-vintage-photos-in-which-people-are-haunted-by-the-shadow-of-an-unknown-person-in-a-hat.htmlFor the first time, the shadow of an unknown man in a permanent hat appeared in photos of the 1920s, almost imperceptibly gliding through pictures from the life of ordinary families on vacation, children's portraits and photos of friendly gatherings. The shadow can be seen in the frames up to the 1970s, and then it suddenly disappears.
Collector Jean-Marie Donat collected more than 10,000 amateur photographs of different generations from around the world, and grouped some of them in a series in which the photos are united by one feature. It was thanks to the photos collected by Donat that the shadow of an unknown man in a hat came to life, which is present in all the pictures of the "Predator" series. Of course, these silhouettes belong to photographers and authors of the pictures, because many amateur photographers of that time accidentally or intentionally got into the frame. But the collector took and picked up these pictures as if an artistic story about the persecution with a mystical bias is developing in front of the audience.
The sequence of frames in the small-circulation book "Predator" is compiled in such a way that the further you scroll through the photos, the more you notice how goosebumps begin to run over your skin every time you look at an integral figure in a hat.
Keywords: History | Amateur photo | Collectors | Amateur photographer | Photobook | Photo project | Horror | Photo series | XX century
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