The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

Categories: History |

It is now customary either to idealize or demonize school relations in the Soviet Union. Someone with the words "thank the party for it," recalls a happy childhood, someone talks about violent mass clashes between territorial gangs. And those and others are telling the truth.

In fact, there are two parallel communities, each of which had their own rules. Soviet criminologists believed that the laws according to which street lived a teenage world, was written in a stray post-revolutionary environment. That is why juveniles were fighting brutally, trying to hurt the opponent. At the same time, fist clashes in the classroom was regulated in other rules, primarily the "do not harm" or "do not beat lying". About this talk, drawing on memories of the students of the 70-ies and 80-ies of the last century.

The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

First time in the fourth grade

"The instigators of the fights, as a rule, they were all boys from large families, says the former teacher Anna Ivanovna Krasnova. — The house was shaking their big brothers, so the visual experience how to hit, they already had".

The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

Before the first tears

The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

Boxers vs wrestlers

In fifth grade the majority of students, and the b, thought is right to fight is more important than study. One went to the ring, others to the section of the wrestlers. Interestingly, the schools, the athletes did rarely, splashing obviously his aggression on sports activities. By the way, the teachers noted that the activities positively affected the evaluations.

At thirteen the boys already knew their place in the hierarchy of classmates, therefore, more and more conflicts have occurred with students from other classes. In any case, standouts tried not to beat. It was impossible to raise a hand and ranimaya. In the senior classes already fought until first blood, and a clear victory. If such skirmishes became known teachers called the parents, and the inspector on Affairs of minors. However, not all the teachers stopped the fight in the Bud.

The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

"To fight — you can mutilate it"

As a rule, the order in the school was following a military instructor, retired military, in the rank of major. In the circle of its duties included not only military training, but also the formation of the school of world order. "We called him grandfather, — says the graduate of the 70's Igor Smirnov. — He said that the fight should be able to. For the girl to stand up, anyway — if tomorrow the war. I was once a witness, when he slapped himself a slap in the face the worst bully in our school because he beat his classmate's head against the wall. The military had a fighter in the class conversation, then the guy came out with swollen ears. Later I learned that the "grandfather" slapped him blows with the words: "to Fight — you can maim — you can not"".

The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

A La karate-do

In the late 70's and early 80's in school fights began to apply the kicks in the style of karate-do. It happened thanks to the popularization in the Soviet Union this form of combat sport. 13 November 1978 was even a decree of the CPSU Central Committee "About creation of the Commission on the development of karate-do in the state Committee".

"It was the craze for machinery kicks — shares memories military retiree Andrey Sankov. On the streets and in the classrooms you can see Teens who have sought to apply a mawashi (circular kick) and Tobi Geri (the airstrike) for the imaginary opponent. In a real fight the benefits of this were not enough, so the clashes continued to beat him with his fists, trying to kick in the groin". However, by this time, the unwritten laws have become tougher. The winner could land a few punches on the already defeated opponent.

The whole truth about fighting in the Soviet schools

Street native

Outside of school reigned already a different order. But to say that the streets were dominated by punks, is also incorrect. Of course, the boys could beat because they went to the "foreign territory". But most often, it involved members of street gangs or "popular kid". In fairness, the police together with inspectors on Affairs of minors, in General, kept the situation under control.

Keywords: Childhood | Fight | USSR | School

