30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Categories: Positive |

On the eve of the New Year, a magical atmosphere reigns in every house — everything is hung with shiny tinsel, there is an elegant Christmas tree in the room, and in the evening you can watch garlands twinkling everywhere from the windows. But some people do not limit themselves to just decorating the house and create a real fairy tale right around them.

So the girls from our selection, to the delight of all the representatives of the stronger sex, turned one very intimate part of their body into a New Year's deer. And I must say, they did it just fine. We advise you to look!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood
30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood
A source: The Chive

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood
30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

"The New Year is rushing to us..."

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood
30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

That's what we understand a festive outfit! Not like all your snow maiden and snowflakes!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

When the breasts are more elegant than the whole room.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Does it seem to us or with such a "make-up" bare breasts are perceived somehow differently?

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

It was a beautiful sweater, but it's not a pity to spoil it for this.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Would you dare to come to a party in such an outfit?

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

One deer is good, but two are better.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

With such successes, you can gather a whole herd!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

The guys are obviously delighted with such costumes.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Why are guys there, even girls pay attention to them!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

It's certainly not a deer, but it looks very festive.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Can anyone explain why this deer looks so natural?

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

This is a gift for a Christmas tree!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

You have to be a very brave girl to decide on such a thing.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Isn't this deer really cute?

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

I wonder if the fashion for "sisichny" deer will reach Russia?

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

The main thing in such a suit is not to make unnecessary movements so that nothing disappears.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

"Do you have a selfie with a deer?"

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

A costume option for more modest ladies.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

But with such forms, modesty is out of the question!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Very funny New Year's photo.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

This deer perfectly matches the color of her hair.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

And here is not just a deer, but a whole Santa Claus with gifts!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Apparently, she came to play bingo in this outfit. Well, an interesting choice.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

I wish there were more girls like that at New Year's parties!

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

"You seem to have a deer out of your T-shirt here."

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

It could have been an ordinary mediocre selfie, but someone saved the situation.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

What only girls will not do for the sake of spectacular photos.

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

"Girl, you have such... elegant breasts"

30+ photos of New Year's deer, which will raise not only the mood

Keywords: 18+ | Chest | Costume | New year holidays | New year | Image | Deer | Christmas

