Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

Categories: Food and Drinks | History | World |

Admit it, was served at the New year, the traditional basin Olivier in a carved crystal vase? If so, then surely many other things from this collection look familiar to you. Although these days very rare who not only regularly uses them, but still remembers the purpose of these deeply Soviet "devices"... And maybe you have at the cottage they still in business?

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times
Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

In times such products belonged to the category of luxury goods worth 60 full-length Soviet rubles, and therefore exhibited in ordinary days behind the glass in the cabinets and the walls, and on holidays had prevailed for the dinner table. Well, with the same Olivier... And today on 1000 Russian rubles you can get hold of at a flea market a pair of vases and a set of crystal glasses to boot.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

The metal was often found in ice cream shops where they put on weight cold delicacy: syrup, chocolate chips or nuts... And the house is often kept glass options. Especially advanced, women were able to serve not only desserts but also salads.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

A spring holds it halves in the closed position. Conveniently brew tea on the one directly in circle.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

Yogurt, milk, varenets and ryazhenka Soviet citizens was carried home in such a half-liter (rarely — liter) containers. They closed the top lid of thick foil with the embossed date of production. And color cap that you can determine what's in the bottle: green foil — yogurt, Golden — fermented baked milk, silver milk, and green stripes — fat-free yogurt. Then empty and clean the bottle mono to take to the recycling center. and receive back its collateral value is 15 cents.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

It today houses and offices we are surrounded by fancy electric kettles (plastic, glass, ceramic) and dermopathy. And in the land of the Soviets in many families there were here such electric samovars three quarts of boiling water. Their release, by the way, established since 1956.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

Handsome fixture for what to drink tea made of faceted glass, not burning hands. It in the trains across the Country Councils. And here at home today, few people keep such things. Now tea is prefer to drink from porcelain cups Yes the ceramic (or glass) cups.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

With trips to the grocery store with this bowl began Sunday some Soviet students. In many stores dairy products brought in 40-liter jars, and buyers were coming for him with his Tara. And if sour cream would bring 500-700 g jar, the milk often took three liters. The most common cans with lid was multi-colored enamel. But there were also aluminum in their house you could boil Unbottled milk on a gas stove...

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

A popular snack of fatty salt fish with onions, it was customary to serve on a special vessel. Seledochnitsy in catering at times was signed, and the houses have every used capacity according to your taste: glass or porcelain with flowers instead of leaves.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

Here in these elegant earthenware (or metal) is a flat panel vases with imitation wickerwork serve bread to guests, cookies, butter crackers or candy. And sometimes fruit.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

In an era when mass production of plastic basins were still a few decades for sanitary procedures used so that's galvanized products. For example, in the public baths they have served to the 90s.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

In the era before the advent of washing machines used for Laundry could also serve as baths. In rural areas, and for other household needs.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

Was known as the perfect utensil for jam: it is not burnt, as in enamelled vessels, and also acquired a surprisingly bright taste. And even more spoiled!

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

Quite small, but surprisingly real. This is not the current plastic pots. In such a can, if desired, to heat water, and the pan — even to fry microscopic eggs. And the touch is much closer to the real kitchenware.

Cans, ice cream dish, gangs and 11 types of dishes of Soviet times

Simple device to receive in a few minutes 37 hexagonal dumpling. Remember how it was done? single layer of thin rolled dough was placed on this fixture in each "nest" went a teaspoon of mince on top of all this splendor was hiding the second layer of dough. Then on top of it rolled with a rolling pin and sharp edged forms cut the finished dumplings, which you should carefully remove. Or in boiling water, or freezing. Trim the dough and re-roll for a new portion. And your parents and grandparents were such things? You know how to use them? What have I forgotten to mention?

Keywords: Life is interesting | Crockery | USSR | Old stuff

