Steven Smith (Stephen Smith) — 59-year-old man, a respectable musician and a respected family man. But for his current stable life is dark past, full of pain and suffering. From childhood the boy was kept in a dark damp basement parents-monsters. Then he fell into the hands of a psychiatrist pervert, and then to a Catholic boarding school run by priests-pedophiles. Despite having lived through the nightmare, Steven was able to return to normal life. Read the story of a teenager who went through years of horror and torture, then in our material.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsThe boy kept in the basement until the age of 13. In his 14 years of poisoned drugs and was molested by a psychiatrist-a scoundrel. He then fell into the hands of deviant priests who raped him and gave for the amusement of pedophiles.
Steven Smith suffer for the first 17 years, more than anyone in my life. He is now 59, and his story amazes everyone who hears it. The man decided to openly vent all their pain in the book "the Boy in the basement" (The Boy In The Cellar). A resident of Nottingham still sees nightmares in her sleep and wakes up at night in a cold sweat.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsFrom an early childhood, Steven was kept in the cold and dark basement of cruel parents. Communication with the outside world was a small hole, through which the basement sometimes looked the sun, and the only other baby — spider, whom he named Peter. Times a day the father brought him food and was regularly beaten son with his fists, legs and belt. Once a monster man slashed with scissors: the scars still remind about my nightmare.
When the boy was 7 years old, his father in a fit of anger, broke his arm and was forced to take his son to the hospital. It was the first acquaintance of Stephen with the outside world. So he learned his name and heard the names of the objects around. The doctors believed that the boy fell out of a tree, as she assured his father. The little captive was too scared to tell the truth. After the case Stephen has several times been in hospital after brutal beatings. In adulthood he learned that first appeared in the house baby, with a fractured skull.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsStephen still doesn't know why he was kept in the basement. One theory is that he was born out of wedlock, so deeply religious parents wanted to hide him from prying eyes.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsSocial services sent a teenager to the orphanage Ashley House. Here was filled with a lot of new experiences: for the first time Stephen saw himself in the mirror, took a shower, learned to tie the laces on shoes. But peace did not last long. Soon the guy took to his psychiatrist Kenneth Milner (Milner Kennet), dealing with "difficult" children in the infamous psychiatric hospital of Aston Hall near Birmingham.The mental hospital was crowded with boys and men aged 13 to 70 years. Some of them went half-naked, others wore straitjackets and helmets. Patients were screaming, convulsing and rocking back and forth. The territory of the institution was fenced with barbed wire.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsArrived in a terrible institution Steven started treating psychiatrist Milner. He gave him some injections, which stirred the mind and the body do. The guy often couldn't remember what happened to him, waking up in the house on a mattress naked, with bruises all over her body. After many years of investigation confirmed that at least 65 children have suffered from inflation in drugs and sexual violence within the walls of this psychiatric hospital in the period 1947 — 1970-ies.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsStephen was in a mental institution a year and a half. Suddenly came the employees of social services and said that the guy transferred to a Catholic boarding school, St. Williams in East Yorkshire. But this place was far from "heavenly tabernacles" and was a hotbed of pedophilia.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsBoarding was ruled by the priest-pervert James Carragher (James Carragher), who regularly molested and raped Steven. Worst of all, the Director invited pedophiles from all over the country, so they could have some fun with the boys. Most of them were the rich educated people who came to the luxury cars.
At school there were rumours that Carragher had once killed teenagers, and if someone disobeys, it will happen again. The disciples lived in constant fear and did everything they were ordered. In desperation, Steven said about what is happening to social workers and police, but they did nothing. The pupils were in a desperate position.About the debauchery that took place within the walls of Catholic schools only became known in 1992 after its closure. In 2016, Carragher and chaplain are just some of Anthony (Anthony McCallen) was convicted of 35 sexual offences against 11 boys between 1970 to 1992. 69-year-old Makalena was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and Carragher — nine. For the Director of the orphanage, it was the third time in this case. More than 240 men accused the leadership of the boarding school of St. Williams in violence during the 70-ies and 80-ies.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsDue to a broken childhood and abuse in the asylum and boarding school Steven Smith became a spendthrift, spending youth in fights and drunkenness. Everything changed after the birth of his first child Simon in 1991. The kid caused the man to completely change his life. For 18 years, Stephen is married to Gail. He is a happy father of four children and a successful musician. In addition to participating in a rock band, Stephen is engaged in the design of book covers and albums.
The boy in the basement: the story of a teenager who survived 17 years of captivity and abuse at the hands of parents and priestsThe man hopes that his candid story will give other victims the courage not to remain silent. Despite all the horror, Stephen am grateful for a wonderful wife, wonderful children and a beloved work. He does not allow his past to define the future and moving forward with great optimism and positivity.
Another story that is similar to the plot of a horror movie, the 20 — year-old Colleen Stan (Coleen Stan). Wife-sadists kidnapped the girl, raped and hid in a box under the bed for many years. To escape from there, she managed a miracle.