Start the engine! Famous beauties of the 60s with a Vespa scooter

What could be better than a combination of hot beauties and fast motors? Famous models and actresses of the 60s were not averse to a ride with the breeze on a Vespa scooter produced by the Italian company Piaggio. Together, these couples look very cute and delight the eyes of both lovers of motor vehicles and lovers of beautiful women.

Look further at the bright vintage pictures of famous beauties together with the cute Vespa.

Start the engine! Famous beauties of the 60s with a Vespa scooter
Vespa means "wasp"in Italian. This scooter has evolved from a single-engine model, first released by Piaggio in 1946, to a wide range of motorbikes.

From the very beginning, Vespa scooters were known for their painted one-piece steel bodies that completely covered the engine, which protected from dirt, as well as with flat bottoms (to protect the legs) and prominent front fairings (to protect against wind).

Classic beauties of the 60s also liked new scooters, and they were happy to pose with them for bright pictures.

Start the engine! Famous beauties of the 60s with a Vespa scooter
Start the engine! Famous beauties of the 60s with a Vespa scooter

These pairs of beauties and Vespa scooters are definitely the best vintage combination. Steel and passion, style and seduction are what pleases the male eye most of all and turns it on from a half-turn.

Modern girls also love speed and drive. In Australia, hot beauties staged a real bike run, riding iron horses in only underwear and leather jackets.

Keywords: 60s | Bikers | Vintage | Vintage pictures | Beauties | Motorcycles | Retro | Retro photos | Scooter

