Savate Boxing kicked out of the tavern
Savat is not very popular in the modern world — maybe because it is, in principle, knows not so many people. Practicing this a contact sport, people are sawatari and is able to send the opponent in the knockout with a single motion. Or foot, knowingly savate is called a "box with your feet."

French style combat, which involves coating the enemy kicks and hands and feet work mainly at the lower level. Also will, in General, the function of protecting: a classic savat allows them to strike the enemy, only an open palm. Slap in the face, sir!

The development of the savate obliged the French sailors, who did not hesitate to use the deck fighting skills in the pubs and taverns. Actually, the modern savate is only collected material, in General, combat techniques that were used by the soldiers of the sheet and the anchor to protect against land enemies.

French kickboxing was, perhaps, one of the first common European major combat systems, taking full advantage of kicks. Before his appearance noble gentlemen (and those attributed to himself, even the regulars roadside tavern), fought with fists. Beat the opponent by the legs was considered not a sport, so the French, with their innovation has long been the real kings of constant fights.
Savate is a French word translates literally as "old Shoe." Why? Yes, simply because the sailors for centuries new shoes are not worn, and beat up villains worn and did not hesitate. At first, savate was called "the Marseille game": in this city sailors were not only to use the already-developed fighting style, but also to educate him friends on the deck.
During the early days of savate, the authorities in law forbade strikes the opponent with his fists. Manpower was so heavy that out of the tavern fights, not everyone went with their feet, if left in, and needed no weapons. Widely considered that kicks Marseille sailors began to use the reflex, as could only beat with one hand, holding a second to grab hold of something — by the sea habit.The British, for a long time contemptuously looked at the ignorant French, allowing himself to touch the noble British profile old worn-out Shoe. For that and went bruises.
Street fight turned into two French sports enthusiast, Michelle Cass and Charles Lecour. Cash opened the first school of savate in 1825, banning, simultaneously, pub favourites such techniques as head shots, vytsarapyvanija eyes and tight grips. His disciple Charles Lecour modified savat, allowing his followers to beat with fist instead of an open palm and added, as a compulsory discipline, fencing on canes.
Kan, or fencing on canes, sailors, and then the common people engaged in purely practical needs. As the punching, the government forbade the duel with swords, but didn't say anything about the clubs. Such a handy tool for street fights practical founders savata miss could not. Now, Canon is only used as a competitive discipline.