Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Canadian Jeff de Boer is a unique artist-jeweler's metal. For many years, it creates the armor stylized as different historical epochs. Fine crafted small parts. But the armor... these are designed for cats and mice. If these ancient enemies participated in medieval wars and took part in knightly tournaments — they probably would wear such clothing.

Jeff started to make these unusual works of art for more than 30 years ago as a little side project for sculpture class. But in the end the project turned out to be a job for life. Gladiator armor Ancient Rome, the armor of the knights of the Renaissance — over the years, Jeff has created the armor of different styles and eras.

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

It would seem — why? Who needs it? Himself Jeff de Boer says that he tried to put on armor for your cat, but sharp claws and teeth of the disturbed animal forced the artist to abandon the idea.

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

However, the value of works of Jeff de Boer in the other. This stuff is so graceful, so historically accurate that is highly valued by collectors worldwide and are among the most valuable (in all senses) gifts.

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Jeff recently published a book, which collected all of his best works. Well, we can only imagine how this armor will be put on the cat and mouse in the eternal war between ancient enemies.

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Jeff uses a variety of metals for their creations, but mostly bronze and copper. Work on one tiny armor mouse takes from 10 to 40 hours, and on the armor of cats — from 50 to 200 hours.

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

In your author's collection can be found protective apparel, corresponding to different historical periods and States: there are armour for gladiators and medieval knights and samurai.

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Armor of the "gods": the epic battle, ancient enemies

Keywords: Animals | Cats | Sculpture | Design and architecture | Battle | Metal | Jewelry | Jeweler | Enemy | Mouse

