Running time: on the hour 8 times more bacteria than the toilet

It turns out that we wear on the wrist a real hotbed of infection: this is confirmed by the results of recent research. Smear from the surface of the clock showed that they are eight times dirtier than a toilet seat. In samples found a huge amount of bacteria and mould, many times exceeding the permissible limits.

What that means for owners and how to maintain health and favorite accessory — learn from our material.

Running time: on the hour 8 times more bacteria than the toilet

While research companies are Tic Watches samples were taken from 10 different types of hours to learn whether they have aerobic bacteria or mold and how many germs do live on their surface.

Running time: on the hour 8 times more bacteria than the toilet

The results were surprising and nausea every hours had inflated several times the level of bacteria.

Running time: on the hour 8 times more bacteria than the toilet

The dirtiest were fitness trackers. Some samples were dirtier than the surface of the toilet and the flush handle.

Running time: on the hour 8 times more bacteria than the toilet

On the clock with a plastic and leather straps found more mold than on the accessories with metal bracelets.

Running time: on the hour 8 times more bacteria than the toilet

British firm manufacturing hours noted that according to surveys, 24% of their customers have never cleaned your clock, and every fifth clean them only once in six months.

Running time: on the hour 8 times more bacteria than the toilet

Scientists recommend to clean your watch at least once a month if you wear them every day, or give them to a specialist for a professional cleaning, if you can't do it yourself. This procedure will help not only to preserve the beautiful appearance of the accessory, but also saves you from the risk of catching any infection.

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Keywords: Analysis | Bacteria | UK | Pollution | Research | Researchers | Wrist watches | Sample | Mould | Result | Scientists | Watch

