22 photos that clearly show that time is merciless
Time spares no one: it leads people to old age, and even the simplest household items bear the inexorable stamp of time. To remind you of the transience of time, we have made a selection of photos in the style of "before and after", from viewing which you will feel a little sad
A doll that has been used for 27 years, compared to a similar, brand new one that was found on the Internet
"We replaced my father with a 16-year-old TV remote control"
"A brand new wheelchair tire compared to a 2-year-old tire replaced just before the snowfall"
"In 20 years our spruce has grown by more than 9 meters"
"After four hard years, I finally bought a new pair. The skin has aged, and the sole has become completely smooth"
The tennis table has been standing here for many years — this is evident
"My grandfather on wheels — 1950 and 2020"
"My baking pans are 20—year-old, 3-year-old and brand new"
Gaming mouse after 6 years of operation (approximately 4000 hours of use) and identical new
"Right and left pedals on a 1902 piano"
"My baby blanket. I'm 22 and I can't sleep without him."
"Parquet in the open and under the cabinet"
"That's what 14 years of socks do with crocs"
"My father's overalls of the early 90s next to my new one"
The most popular place in the elevator, Belgium
"How does underwear differ after 25 years of regular use from what has been mostly lying in the closet all this time"
"I've been wearing these headphones every day since 2016 — it's time to change the ear pads"
"I painted this jacket two years ago. I didn't notice how much it had faded during this time until I unfolded the sleeves."
"A brand new bear compared to the same one that has been slept with every night for 30 years"
"My leather belt, which is almost 10 years old, has gone through many stages of my life, and it still has a lot ahead of it."
"I like to put my hand on my knee when I'm driving. Because of this, over the past couple of years, I have managed to wipe a hole in my pants in this place."
"After 8 years of blameless service, he still retires"