Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair

Despite the international fame, you can become an outcast in his native country. Mother from the UK says she may have to acknowledge the son nibinamik (those who do not recognize themselves neither exclusively male nor exclusively female), so he could maintain his luxurious hair, while in middle school.

Strict rules of the British schools ban boys to go with long curls and cute little guy is even afraid to imagine as you sit in the Barber chair. Find out how his mother has decided to fight against the system of our material.

Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair
8-year-old James Farouk (Farouk James) from the English Fulham — model. On his page in Instagram signed by more than 260,000 people, and all thanks to a stunning head of hair. He has already visited new York and Florence, showing off her lush hair on the catwalks, and collaborated with children's clothing brands, including Guess.

Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair
A single mother, Bonnie Miller (Bonnie Miller) is furious that in British secondary schools, boys can have long hair. In many educational institutions of the country guys make briefly to get a haircut. The woman considers it discrimination, because girls can wear long braids. She says she will have to recognize Farouk gender moving (not felt neither exclusively male nor exclusively female), so that the son retained his luxurious curls.

Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair
Mother wants to enroll my son in a mixed school, so will use all the loopholes in the laws to Faruq was able to walk with long curls. For this she is ready to say that he sebenarnya personality. Bonnie believes that the law on "equality of the hair" will allow transgender people to feel more comfortable.

Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair
In elementary school, the little guy was allowed to walk with long curls with the condition that they will not climb into his eyes. Mother-the photographer says that Farouk afraid of even the thought of that in high school he will have to get a haircut. Many parents supported the woman and shared his bitter experience when their children were forced to get a haircut, and what a stress for them that turned out.
Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair
Handsome with luxurious curls often ask the girl if he is, but he does not pay attention to it. Now his hair is already below the belt, if they straighten. The boy uses at one time half of a bottle of conditioner to achieve amazing volume and even washes her hair with mineral water.

Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair
Mother made Farouk a page in Instagram, when he was only two years after a different wearer of the social network used a photograph of a boy without her permission. Account long-haired boy immediately made a splash, winning tens of thousands of fans. Some parents said that Farooq has inspired their children to grow hair.
Neither boy nor girl: what kind of trick invented by a mother to her son has allowed to go to school with long hair
Bonnie says also that the son can be himself in her resolution, he changed the lives of many children. He inspires children all over the world, but in his native country, his rights are infringed. About haircuts Farouk said: "Scissors for paper, not for hair". British women petition has gathered almost 1,000 signatures in just a few days.

Long-haired inhabitant of Odessa also became the star of social networks with luxurious braid. She wins the hearts of men from around the world, and some of them are ready on everything, only just to smell her Golden curls.

Keywords: Instagram | UK | Hair | Law | Boy | Single Mother | Model | Subscribers | Fans | Rules | Equality | Son | School

