Bayu bayushki, not loisa on the side! Experts told about the dangers of sleep face down in the pillow

Categories: Health and Medicine | Society | World |

British beauticians shared shocking photos that show how sleeping on your side can cause wrinkles. The images show how the skin was going to fold, when at night we sleep cheek on the pillow. Experts have written six recommendations to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Bayu bayushki, not loisa on the side! Experts told about the dangers of sleep face down in the pillow
Visit British clinics Clinics DrMediSpa Instagram beauticians published six tips to avoid wrinkles while you sleep. Here are the main recommendations.

Bayu bayushki, not loisa on the side! Experts told about the dangers of sleep face down in the pillow
1. It is best to sleep on your back to face was "duck feet", wrinkles around the mouth, not flattened forehead and did not go deep nasolabial folds.

Bayu bayushki, not loisa on the side! Experts told about the dangers of sleep face down in the pillow
2. Need to buy contribuindo pillow at which the weight is distributed evenly.

Bayu bayushki, not loisa on the side! Experts told about the dangers of sleep face down in the pillow
4.Before going to bed should apply on the skin with retinol or its alternatives rastitelnye to maintain adequate hydration levels.

Bayu bayushki, not loisa on the side! Experts told about the dangers of sleep face down in the pillow
6. Morning facial massage will help to improve the blood flow to the areas that were under pressure. Cosmetologists also suggest doing facial exercises each morning, taking a shower.

Meanwhile, scientists have determined that the posture pet bed says about his attitude to you. In addition, the position of the body can tell us about the nature of the pet.

Keywords: Instagram | Influence | Appearance | Change | Skin | Beauty | Face wrinkles | Pillow | Position | User | Recommendation | Tips | Dream pictures

