In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Every year tens of thousands of people come to Rio to watch the most colorful action — the samba parade-festival. This time 70,000 fans of vivid impressions took part in it. Mind—blowing scenery, sexy beauties, impressive outfits, a sea of music and light - this action did not leave anyone indifferent.

Watch exciting photos of the enchanting show and feel the rhythm of samba in your pulse.

In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
A crowd of 70,000 spectators came to watch the delightful carnival in Rio, which ended with a rhythmic parade of samba dancers.

The parade of Samba champions at the grandiose Sambadrom Arena is an impressive sight. It awards the best dancers — winners of the festival, who competed during the brightest week of the year.

Luxury and brilliance, color and light — the magic of this show fascinates everyone.

In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Actor in the role of the king of the parade at the Sambadrome on the last day of the carnival-2019.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
One of the most beautiful Victoria's Secret models, Izabel Goulart, was noticed among the guests of the festival. She came to the samba parade in a suitable outfit: her top made of chains with rhinestones perfectly fit into the general atmosphere of the holiday.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
The two main nights of the carnival opened on March 3 with explosions of fireworks and enthusiastic shouts of the parade guests. The beauty of one of the Brazilian dance schools demonstrates a luxurious outfit.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Representatives of each of the dance schools create amazing huge structures to participate in the parade in order to look worthy if they win the annual samba competition.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
The gorgeous queen Camilla Silva presents her dance school.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
In 2019, 200 groups participated in the dance competition. A representative of one of the schools dressed up in a feather headdress in the traditional colors of the festival: green and blue.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Carnival night: the fascinating magic of the holiday left no one indifferent.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
"Let the show go on!": the guests were entertained with songs and dances by actors dressed in costumes with traditional elements.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
The Sambadrome is a huge arena in Brazil's largest city, Rio de Janeiro. During the festival, it turns into a territory of extravaganza and unrestrained fun.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Music is an integral part of the carnival. She accompanies all the action and sets the rhythm for dancing.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Mind—blowing costumes and wigs are what makes the festival truly fabulous.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Lit up on stage: an actor with a huge star on his back performs in front of a huge moving structure.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Bright and funny guys representing one of the dance schools decided to beat the rhythm of samba on a tambourine.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
The dizzying outfits of the carnival participants are created especially for this day. It is impossible to take your eyes off such luxurious and original costumes.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
White ribbons create the impression of a ship's sail. All the items on the parade participants are of the highest quality and sewn to individual orders.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
A huge fish is a decoration for the presentation of one of the Brazilian samba schools.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
The participants of the carnival are so charged with positive energy that it is impossible not to feel their mood.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
Some costumes are made of such miniature parts that it takes several days just to put them together.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
The gigantic scenery shocks the imagination of even the most sophisticated viewers.
In the incendiary rhythm of samba: the brightest spectacle of the year is the colorful carnival in Rio de Janeiro
The carnival ended with a parade of winners, who marched along the Sambadrome in front of a crowd of 70 thousand guests.

The Brazilian Carnival is one of the brightest spectacles in the world. Despite the fact that it is held annually, every time it is unique. The enchanting action, impressive outfits and the rhythm of samba will appear for a long time before the eyes of the guests who were lucky enough to attend the grand festival in Rio this year.

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Keywords: Brazil | Spectacle | Spectators | Carnival | Costumes | Music | Parade | Winners | Samba | Competitions | Dancers | Dancing

