How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand

Categories: Celebrities | Social Networks | World |

Recently, Russian-speaking commentators bombarded Beyonce with comments because of the ridiculous gold jewelry on a series of stylish photos of the singer on Instagram. It's all about the strange word "Square", the meaning of which the singer's fans did not immediately understand.

How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand
How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand

The American singer posted photos from a trip to Las Vegas on Instagram. For the entrance to the casino, Beyonce chose a strict white suit with a lot of gold chains and jewelry.

How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand
How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand

Among them there are pendants with the name of the singer, hieroglyphs, as well as a custom necklace with the word "Square", to which there were many questions from the Russian-speaking community of fans of the singer.

How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand
How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand

Many questions appeared under the posts: the Russians were interested in the meaning of the allegedly secret message from Beyonce.

The bewilderment of Russian-speaking fans was expressed by dozens of comments in the spirit of: "Why does she have a square around her neck?", " And what square? The First President or Red?", "The seventh album of Beyonce is called "The Square"! " However, the solution was more banal.

How Google Translate shamed the Russian word Beyonce and the famous brand

As it turned out, Beyonce posed in a stylish bow from the New York brand Area, and the words on her pendants-the name of the brand in different languages. What is true, the word "area" is rather translated as "area" or "territory". The "square" option is also possible, but in this case it does not convey the brand name correctly.

Keywords: Celebrities | World | Beyonce | Decoration | Russian | Instragram | Social networks

