5 rules of the oriental bazaar: how to bargain properly

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Everyone who has been to the conditional Turkey bazaar knows that the price tag is just a reference point. But, unlike normal points, the countdown is not forward, but backward. No matter how shrill the merchant screamed: "Sabotage" — he would never allow real sabotage to take place. In this delta, and you need to bargain. How to do this most effectively, we will teach you now.

5 rules of the oriental bazaar: how to bargain properly

Rule one.

Shopkeepers often ask who you are buying a particular product for. The worst thing you can say in such a situation is: "For the child / for the mother". You will immediately be informed that you can not save on children/parents. And try to argue with it. We recommend that you state that you plan to resell this product. In short, it is not necessary to show excessive interest in the purchase.

5 rules of the oriental bazaar: how to bargain properly

Rule two.

If we are talking about a large discount, the dialogue should be conducted with the person who has the right to make decisions. Ask to call the manager or the owner of the shop, if you understand that you are facing a small fry.

5 rules of the oriental bazaar: how to bargain properly

Rule three.

Do not deprive the seller of the opportunity to give in, but at the same time save face. When you are about to leave, say again that you like the item and are willing to pay such and such a sum. He will not be able to let you go to another shop, where, quite possibly, this amount will be enough.

5 rules of the oriental bazaar: how to bargain properly

Rule four.

When haggling, don't talk too much — it shows your interest. Let the silence and your confidence speak for you. And listen calmly. Strong people do not hesitate to remain silent.

5 rules of the oriental bazaar: how to bargain properly

Rule five.

You've already tried everything, but you still haven't managed to get the desired discount? Then mentally put your desire to become the owner of this product on one side of the scale, and your reluctance to part with the declared amount on the other. If the second bowl outweighs, go outside. The chance that the merchant will run out after you is not so small.

Keywords: World | Discounts | Bazaar | Trade | Rules

