25 facts about the Titanic that might surprise you
Categories: History
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/25-facts-about-the-titanic-that-might-surprise-you.htmlDate of 15 April 1912 was the largest Maritime disaster of the twentieth century — in the Atlantic, on the way from Southampton (UK) to new York (USA), runs into an iceberg, sank the largest passenger liner "Titanic."
The story of the Titanic, the ship of legend, surrounded by many mysteries and myths that are widely known and not. Here are some amazing facts about this legendary ship.
25. The first movie about the Titanic was filmed in less than a month after the disaster, and the main role was played by the actress, the survivors of the shipwreck.
24. Kim Il sung, the North Korean leader, was born on the day of death of the liner.
23. On Board were 12 dogs, of which three survived. The photo is one of them.
22. The remains of the Titanic was discovered only 73 years after the disaster.
21. Kate Winslet, she plays the main role in the film "Titanic" (1997), said that she really don't like the song My Heart Will Go On. The actress even admitted that her cringe when she hears the music.
20. Actually, modern ships are more likely to see an iceberg than the Titanic.
19. Iceberg collided with the ship (pictured), began his journey of about two thousand years ago.
18. None of the 30 mechanics of the ship survived. They remained in the engine room and supported the work of the steam machines as long as possible, in order to escape the rest of the passengers. In the photo the engine room of the Titanic.
17. The boats of the ship could accommodate more than half of the passengers, however, scarcely a third of them actually managed to do it.
16. 13 couples went on the Titanic on our honeymoon.
15. The most expensive rooms on the ship today would cost more than $ 100,000.
14. The only survivor of a disaster, the Japanese were exposed to ostracism and branded a coward for not dying with the other passengers.
13. Though the ship could stay afloat with four flooded compartments in a row, on the fateful night was damaged six of them.
12. Except for "Titanic", not a single ship in history has ever been sunk by an iceberg.
11. The founder of the chocolate factory Hershey's Chocolate Milton Harshi cancelled their booking at the last moment due to urgent business meetings.
10. "Titanic" was so huge that was drowning the whole 2 hours and 40 minutes.
9. The Titanic before the collision. From the moment when the lookouts sighted the iceberg, to change command rate that's about 30 seconds. Had it not been for this delay, the collision could have been avoided.
8. There is a theory that the leading cause of death of "Titanic" was the icy effect of a Mirage, hiding from watching the real shape of the iceberg, thus not allowing time to prevent the catastrophe. This is indirectly evidenced by the testimony of survivors, spoke about the incredibly bright stars that night.
7. Chef À la Carte restaurant and drank so much alcohol that could withstand the Atlantic terrible cold for two hours.
6. The movie "Titanic" in 1997 had a much larger budget than the construction of this ship.
5. The musicians played for several hours, until the ship sank. They all died.
4. Fourth chimney "Titanic" was decorative and served with a fan.
3. Ordinary in the company "white star Line" Sunday boat the exercise was cancelled due to strong winds and high speed vessel.
2. The ship was so great that only to throw coal into the furnace furnaces required 176 people.
1. On the "Titanic" went its own newspaper — "Atlantic life the daily Bulletin".
Keywords: History | Craft | Mystery | Ship | Titanic | Facts | Myths | Shipwreck
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