Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei

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Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei1. Prince Abdul Malik is the youngest of the four sons of the reigning Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah and the second in line to the throne after his father. The wedding ceremony took place 11 days after the engagement. (Photo: STRINGER / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei2. The shoes of the bride from Christian Louboutin are decorated with diamonds and gold. (Photo: OLIVIA HARRIS / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei3. The bride's wedding necklace and tiara are adorned with diamonds and huge emeralds the size of grapes. According to local traditions, the bride must wear something borrowed. In this case, it was the mother-in-law's jewelry - a diamond tiara, a necklace and a brooch. (Photo: STRINGER / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei4. The solemn wedding ceremony took place in the Sultan's palace in the capital of Brunei, in Bandar Seri Begawan. Istana Nurul Imam Palace - the residence of the Sultan - has 1788 rooms. (Photo: OLIVIA HARRIS / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei5. The Sultan of Brunei, the groom's father and fuel magnate, is one of the richest men in the world. His fortune is estimated at 20-80 billion dollars. Hassanal Bolkiah has been ruling his country since 1967. (Photo: OLIVIA HARRIS / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei6. The Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, has five sons and seven daughters from three marriages. Prince Abdul Malik is second in line to the Brunei throne. The first son, Crown Prince Al-Muhtadi Bill of Brunei, married over 10 years ago. (Photo: OLIVIA HARRIS / REUTERS / REUTERS

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei7. During the wedding ceremony. (Photo: STRINGER / REUTERS / REUTERS)

Brunei, a 400,000-strong British colony on the northwest coast of Borneo, is an absolute monarchy (sultanate). In Brunei, which is ruled by the 68-year-old sultan, he is both the head of state and the head of government, and the minister of national defense, and the minister of finance.

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei8. Prince Abdul Malik with his father, the Sultan of Brunei. Members of the royal family have often been criticized for being too extravagant in their lifestyle. The Telegraph recalled that in 1996, Michael Jackson was supposed to receive £10 million for a concert in honor of the 50th birthday of the Sultan. However, dissatisfaction with the state system in the country is small, which is a consequence of the high standard of living of its citizens, as well as free education and healthcare. (Photo: OLIVIA HARRIS / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei9. Brunei is a country whose official religion is Islam. Last year, after the adoption of Sharia law by the Sultan, which allows the use of punishments such as stoning and flogging, a wave of indignation and discontent rose in the country. (Photo: OLIVIA HARRIS / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei10. About five thousand guests were invited to the wedding of Prince Abdul Malik. (Photo: OLIVIA HARRIS / REUTERS / REUTERS).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei11. Prince with his wife and parents. (Photo: PAP).

Luxurious wedding of the future Sultan of Brunei12. The bride is holding a bouquet of "flowers" made of precious stones. (Photo: PAP).


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