From Ken to Barbie: the human doll has changed gender and plans to become a mother
Categories: Celebrities | Europe | Fashion
By Pictolic turned from a human into a real doll. Rodrigo Alves used to be a copy of Ken, but after sex reassignment surgery he became a Barbie. The 36-year-old Brazilian spent 650,000 pounds (about 60 million rubles) on appearance modifications and underwent more than 60 operations to acquire an impressive appearance. Now, having laid out another 100,000 pounds (about 9.3 million rubles) to transform into a woman, he calls himself Jessica. Roddy says that he has finally realized the dream of his whole life, and now dreams of becoming a mother.Rodrigo Alves, who recently became Jessica, says that he always felt like a woman, but at the same time tried to look manly, like Ken. Nevertheless, Barbie has always lived inside him. The decision to change sex was not easy for the Brazilian, but he still dared, having reached a critical point when he could no longer be in a man's body.
In November last year, the doll-man performed operations to remove implants, for which he had previously spent huge sums, and in January he began a transgender transition. It was long, painful and expensive, but now he has become who he always wanted to be.
Jessica now lives in London. She was born a boy Rodrigo in Sao Paulo is in the family of a Brazilian and a British man. Roddy grew up in a Catholic family surrounded by women - a mother, two aunts, a grandmother — and attended a religious school. The showman recalls that he never played boyish games, but dressed up and braided the hair of his younger sister's dolls. In addition, as a child, he wore dresses and danced in front of the TV, which upset his father very much. At school, Roddy was friends with girls and suffered from the ridicule of the guys.
As a teenager, Rodrigo began to try to look manly, like other guys. At the age of 16, his chest increased, and his parents paid for an operation to reduce it. After graduating from high school, the Brazilian went to the UK to study at the London School of Economics. Here he finally gained confidence in himself.
After graduating from university, Roddy began working as a steward on board Virgin Atlantic. He started saving money to transform his body to look more masculine. At the age of 26, the showman underwent three plastic surgeries on his nose, liposuction of his legs and chin, hair transplantation, jaw augmentation, implanted six implants, filled his biceps with fillers, inserted implants in his shins, pumped botox and fillers into his face and became the owner of an impeccable smile.
Unusual appearance made Rodrigo famous. He began to appear frequently on the screen, give interviews for popular publications and shoot for magazine covers. Since then, the living Ken has been obsessed with plastic transformations. He underwent 11 more operations on his nose, inserted implants in his cheeks, removed several ribs and performed liposuction.
But recognition and success did not bring Roddy the desired happiness. He was still struggling with accepting his real self. In early 2019, the showman decided to have sex reassignment surgery. The Brazilian understood that this could put an end to his popularity as a living Ken, but he could not wait any longer.The doll-man began his journey to becoming a woman by choosing unisex clothes and applying makeup. After that, he began planning surgical body changes. In November 2019, Rodrigo removed part of the implants and fat, which cost him 15,000 pounds (about 1.4 million rubles).
In January, a transgender man inserted breast implants of size 5, paying 3,000 pounds (about 280,000 rubles), and three weeks later underwent sex reassignment surgery. The newly-born Jessica was given new dental crowns, worth 9,000 pounds (about 840,000 rubles), and her hair was increased for 8000 pounds (about 750,000 rubles).
The doll-man was recovering for a long time after the operation, suffering from pain. Jessica has several more plastic modifications ahead of her, but for now she must fully recover and gain weight. Live Barbie plans to insert implants in the buttocks, correct the shape of the nose and grow even more hair.
The transgender woman has not yet undergone surgery to change her genitals. She shows off her elegance, sexuality and glamour like a Barbie doll.
In total, Jessica underwent 74 plastic surgeries, which cost her 750,000 pounds (about 70 million rubles). Now she is enjoying the realization that she has become a woman.
A huge number of plastic changes in appearance have affected the health of a transgender person. Jessica can't breathe through her nose, and when she catches a cold, she feels especially bad. Nevertheless, the living Barbie leads a healthy lifestyle, trying not to lose her inner strength.
Jessica earns her many transformations by participating in television shows in Italy and Germany. She gets up to 20,000 pounds (about 1.9 million rubles) for 30 minutes of broadcast. This month, the transgender man will take part in a cooking show for the stars in Romania, will star in a documentary in Belgium, will do several photo shoots in the UK and is planning a trip to the USA to shoot a reality show.
Live Barbie wants to find her love. She had only two short affairs, but she dreams of meeting the perfect man who will be independent, smart, handsome and caring.
Jessica's next goal is to become a mother. She plans to adopt a child - after she finds a soul mate.After the gender reassignment surgery, the transgender does not communicate with the father, but the mother knows about all the events in her life and is happy for her child. She hasn't seen Jessica yet after the transformation, but they are going to meet soon. Ken, who turned into Barbie, claims that he has finally found happiness and harmony with himself.
Russia also has its own Barbie - Tanya Tuzova. Glamorous beauty spends millions of rubles on pink clothes and favorite dolls and changes husbands like gloves.
Keywords: Barbie | United Kingdom | Appearance | Woman | Modifications | Plastic surgery | Popularity | Sex change | Similarity | Transgender | Transformation | Human doll | Show business
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