A tribe of cannibals from the inside: the cannibals of New Guinea who ate the Rockefeller Foundation 60 years ago
Categories: Celebrities | Conflict | History | Nations | Photo project | Travel
By Pictolic https://pictolic.com/article/a-tribe-of-cannibals-from-the-inside-the-cannibals-of-new-guinea-who-ate-the-rockefeller-foundation-60-years-ago.htmlBlood-curdling stories about the cannibals didn't seem like fiction when reviewing a series of stunning images from photographer Gianluca Chiodini (Gianluca Chiodini). He was not afraid to visit a tribe of Asmat people in New Guinea. The natives, who a few decades ago could easily eat your enemy, now lead reclusive lives. Find out who from the family of the famous American rich man murdered the ancestors of the Asmat people from our article.Spectacular photos of a closed tribe of cannibals, whose ancestors supposedly killed and ate the Rockefeller 60 years ago, first introduced to the civilized world.
In the portraits — men, women and children of the tribe of Asmat, which will not allow in their midst of strangers. They still perform sacrifices and carry out creepy and mysterious rituals.
41-year-old photographer Gianluca Chiodini (Gianluca Chiodini) dared to visit a closed community that lives in New Guinea, despite the rumors of cannibalism in this tribe.
Rumor has it that this tribe brutally murdered with Michael Rockefeller in 1961.
23-year-old son of a politician and banker Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller, one of the richest men in America, got into trouble when his catamaran overturned off the coast of New Guinea. Guy explored the island in search of treasure, hoping to bring them home and show in new York.
Writer Carl Hoffman claims that Michael sailed about 16 km, and then tossed it ashore, where a young man was found and killed by the spears of the natives. Then they made him over his terrible ritual.
Unlike the Amazon, this area was not enough natural resources, so the researchers came from the West, has left these people behind. Interest in the life of the colony was shown by the Netherlands, which received the archipelago from the East India company in 1800. Max Labre, Dutch leader, known for his harsh temper, ordered the shooting of five members of the elite of the Asmat people. This act angered the tribe which followed the law of "an eye for an eye." Since that time, the cannibals were eager to take revenge on white.
The event coincided with the time when the distressed Michael Rockefeller tossed waves on the shore in November 1961. In the tradition of macabre ritual to the man first cut off the head, and then ripped open the belly and removed the entrails. Hands and feet burned under the howling of the natives, and the charred remains and the head was eaten. The victim's blood the Asmat people, smeared your body. Everything that was impossible to eat, were preserved as trophies.
A tribe of Asmat people of old had hunted his enemies, decapitating them and turning scalps in the pillow, and the skull — in a bowl from which to eat human flesh and blood. They brought the slain victim. Horrible rituals ended only in 1990-ies.In the skulls of the victims of the closed orbit and of the hole of the nose so as not to allow evil spirits to enter the body or out of it.
Within the tribe no sexual boundaries. Men sleep with men swap wives and practiced polygamy. Sometimes they drink each other's pee and smeared with blood during the sacred rituals.
The Asmat people believe that if you kill someone and eat the body, you will take their power and turn into him. They used to call himself the names of the dead or slain enemies.
The assassination of the heir to the Rockefeller could be revenge for the death of members of the tribe at the hands of the Dutch. The writer Goffman casts version of drowning or be eaten by sharks of the researcher: things belonging to the traveler who has not been found, and among them the two cans of gasoline which a man is tied to his. And marine predators in those places don't attack people.
Relatives Rockefeller went to New Guinea after his disappearance and were looking for Michael during the week. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy family expressed their condolences and offered support. After nine days of fruitless search for relatives of the deceased returned home, and Holland found him drowned.
Despite the fact that in the tribe for 30 years are not held bloody rites, a risk few. Photographer Gianluca Chiodini, risking their own safety, made a series of stunning images of the Asmat people, still living in their primitive rules. The spirit of savagery and of barbarism and today hovers within the tribe of former cannibals, frightening the curious travelers who try to bypass their tenth road village.
Cruelty is the norm for African tribes living in Sierra Leone. Rituals based on blood and pain, accompanied by members of these communities from childhood. The terrible rites of initiation into adulthood and communicate with spirits similar to the blood-curdling scene from a horror movie.
Keywords: Aborigines | Horror | Researchers | Cannibal | New | Guinea | Tribe | Traveller | Rare photographs | Ritual | Rockefeller | Tradition | Murder
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