When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

Categories: Healthy lifestyle | Positive | World

These people prove that everything in this life is in our hands. On the way to transformation, the main thing is not to lose motivation and believe in yourself. And then you can get rid of crooked teeth, and extra pounds, and from a condition close to anorexia.

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

This teenager has been fighting for the health of his teeth for two years. As a result, he was given implants and he will finally be able to boast of a snow-white smile.

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

The doctor told my mother that she has fatty liver disease, and if she does not lose weight, she may develop liver cancer.

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

All you need is self-love!

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

After 2 years of hard training, she finally reached the weight of her dreams.

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"During the quarantine period, my abdominal muscles showed for the first time, and all thanks to a large amount of cardio."

"It's been 4 years since I almost died due to a traumatic brain injury. I can finally train and feel better than ever."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

This girl suffered from bulimia for years, eating unhealthy food, and then artificially causing vomiting. But she managed to cope with an eating disorder, and professionals helped to restore the teeth that had suffered from the effects of bulemia.

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"I started losing weight for the sake of the girl I was in love with, and later realized that I was doing it for the love of myself."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

From a weight of 193 kg to 79 kg. The whole journey took 23 months of work and the girl intends to continue.

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"On the left is a photo that I took when I was 15, and on the one on the right, I am 21 years old."

"Here is the result of ten years of hard work on yourself"

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"I was treated for an eating disorder for 7 years, and my weight constantly fluctuated. But the solution to the problem was and remains spiritual."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"About a year and a half ago, I had an operation on my hip. I finally returned to training and was able to lose weight with the help of interval fasting."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"I was in the hospital for a month after that."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"The photo on the left shows the moment when I decided to change something in my life."

In the fight against anorexia, the girl gained 11 kg. Before that, she could hardly finish her breakfast because of stress. Now he is engaged in strength training to maintain his weight and gain more. She has become much healthier mentally and physically.

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"If you need to know how I did it, I can help you. This is a diet + exercise = result!"

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"I'm sharing this photo so that anyone who needs it knows that it's possible to lose weight."

"I was not satisfied with my appearance at all, and I finally achieved the result."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"On the left is a photo of me taken before I was put in prison in 2011. In the photo on the right, I am in 8 years."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

"After several months in the hospital due to Crohn's disease, I am finally happy."

When I took control of my life: 22 examples of an impressive transformation

The girl after the cure of anorexia and a year later.

Do you have any inspiring stories about body transformation that you would like to share with everyone? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Keywords: Before and after | Control | Hands | Transformation

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