What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

Categories: History

The horrors of the Inquisition, which for several centuries operated in Europe and America, well known to all of us from a school bench. But about the hunt for the domestic witch us almost nothing is known. Were there witches in Russia and if so, how at ease they felt where there was no Catholic ecclesiastical court of his torture and the stake.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

In the West, the witches and wizards it was a short conversation — there was a small suspicion that the person seized, brutally tortured and, snatching recognition, sent to the stake, the gallows or in the pool. Thousands of people were killed and sometimes the reason for the punishment was the unusual appearance, strange behavior and even hostility of their neighbors.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

We have the witchcraft condemned by the Church at all times — it felt sinful and unworthy. But, unlike Europe, sorcerers and healers in Russia turned a blind eye, if they are, of course, did not create any trouble. People people with secret knowledge and supernatural powers, respected and feared.

In the people, it was decided to turn to sorcerers for help. In the villages the witch or witch doctor was the only person who could help a sick person to cure livestock, for advice on personal matters. Not always the witch acted, using otherworldly forces — often the aid was applied and was based on the knowledge about herbs, natural phenomena and the properties of minerals.

But relatively loyal only to orocam, healers and visionaries that do not conflict with their activities on Church canons. Use in witch rituals of Church utensils, symbols or books could be a big reason to accuse the MAG of heresy or apostasy.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

The heretics had in Russia is much more likely to face torture and death than witches. Well-known processes of old believers who in the 17th century did not recognize the Church reform and were therefore accused of heresy. These people burned at the stake Church is much more than witches and wizards. Executed apostates not like in Europe. Instead of pole and firewood used wooden frame, which could put several sentenced to burn them together.

Special cases it is possible to consider a situation when a witch was accused of causing harm to people, livestock or crops. In these cases, the accused was relentless both ecclesiastical and secular court. Moreover, the suspect of sabotage or, God forbid, the killing was a good chance not to live up to any official of the court. The human trial was simple and swift — the witch or sorcerer drowned in the bag, burned in the house or just beaten to death.If the person accused is dangerous to the life or health of witchcraft fell into the hands of justice, first it was the case of the secular power, and then the Church. A case of a peasant woman Martha Queen, which in 1752 was accused of building damage.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

This girl was one of the military fortification of the foreman — a stern and quick to judge. The daughter of an officer had an affair with a serf boy, and her father, hearing of this, ordered to flog Beau whips. The Queen was on friendly terms with being punished, and so decided to take revenge.

During the interrogation at the police office, the girl said that she wanted to get used to the light master. To do this, she took from the land a trail foreman, saying that he was sick and died. Also found out that the Queen still spoke the water to another yard girl named Domna, was in a bad mood.

But the most terrible crime of the peasant was a conspiracy to crop failure, which she admitted when she began to interrogation. Martha broke in the box a few ears, reading the spell. In the office quite sensibly decided that they are not to judge of such high matters as damage and spells and gave the witch a religious court.

After the fortress was judged by the Bishop of Belgorod who was very categorical and quickly sentenced her to be burned in the wooden house. But as in the 18th century the Church was not authorized to be executed, then Martha, the Queen sent for the execution of the sentence back to secular authorities. After that its traces are lost, but we think that "witch" escaped with a good flogging, as in those days, quite enlightened, for witchcraft by the verdict of the court is not burned.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

Differently treated in Russia with witches, those caught in the damage, in the Middle ages. Until we reached almost a detective story of the 17th century, concerning the family of the first Emperor of the Romanov dynasty — Mikhail Fedorovich. His second wife — Eudoxia Streshneva, terribly afraid of the evil eye or any other witchcraft to disease or death.

The Queen was constantly in search of obvious or indirect signs of witchcraft and if they did, I immediately took action. Cost the Empress to detect suspicious a bunch of hair or cleverly twisted the thread as it was taken for prayers and incantations, and found a "magical" things rolled into Church candles and burned to the accompaniment of Psalms.Under suspicion of the Queen was, without exception, all the servants and someday her finest hour. Zolotoshveyka Daria Lomanova once invited an unknown woman, which no one from the Royal yard did not know. While they were whispering, and after the departure of a stranger Daria asked the Royal servants about the meeting to be silent. To be convincing, Lamanova distributed leftovers in the manufacture of the Royal tablecloth.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

On the same day in the evening zolotoshveyka stole from the workshop cut blade, designed for sewing shirts of the Royal children. Lomanova behaved strangely covered this canvas with his head, she sat down on the cart and one went somewhere in the Moscow river. Of course, no bribes did not prevent the yard to convey at Daria and soon her closest friend zolotoshveyki Avdotya Yaryshkina arrested the sovereign people.

During the first interrogation it was found out that the fabric Daria stole for profit, and in the cart went to his secret lover. But she just couldn't get out and after some physical effects witch confessed to everything. Romanova said that he would destroy the Queen, which secretly went behind her and sprinkled traces of ash.

The case took a serious turn and smelled already the attempt on the life of the reigning person. Lomanova and innocent Yaryshkina hung on the thing and began to question with even greater passion. No wonder that when the joints of the hands of women was twisted, of them fell and the other recognition. Zolotoshveyka remembered some to the vorozhka Nastasic, who taught her sorcery tricks.Soon phytochem basement were brought from Zamoskvorechye witch. Nastasia practiced charms of love and harmony, helping to reconcile the spouses and to obtain reciprocity with the Cavaliers. Lomanova rode the cart to her then to meet up with her lover — the vorozhka gave to the lovemaking corner in your house. But these confessions were not enough for the matchmaker took no less seriously than servants.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

Nastasic began to suffer and she said taught Lomanova to burn the fabric of children's shirts Tsesarevich and sprinkle ashes traces the Queen, so that she positively responded to petitions and angry hurl. It seemed that everything fell into place — the river Daria skated to secretly indulge in fornication, and sorcery, to obtain privileges.

But once in the basement to the interrogators and torturers masters to go out so didn't happen. Girls is back on its hind legs and yet another recognition fell from them like peas. In just a few hours, was discovered a magical plot against the Queen and her offspring, with the participation of several witches.

So in the basement was a resident of Moscow Manka Gore, ULKA, Tweety and FeliCa. These women were also tortured to find out why and what they did to the detriment of the Royal family. To the disappointment of the investigation it became clear that women generally are not aware of the events and the case was stalled. The whole gang of wizards, badly battered, had to let go, simply making the suggestion to keep quiet.But the story of the Kremlin witches did not end. Just a year after the events described, in 1639, in the Royal family occurred one after the other two tragedies. First died young tsarevitch Ivan, and in just two months, his brother Prince Vasily.

What were the witches in Russia and how they fought without the Inquisition

The whole magical company headed by zolotoshveyki Daria again thrown into the basement and began to interrogate with predilection and witchcraft and other evil intent. It ended up that ULKA and Nastasia gave up the Ghost, unable to bear the torture, and the other witches went on foot to learn the new Siberian possessions of the Russian crown.

As we can see, despite the harsh times and the burden of suspicion in Russia, it was not launched in Germany, France or Spain, and the witch was a small chance to prove myself. What can I say — Russian people always differed kindness, akodjenou and thirst for the truth.

Keywords: Witch | Devil | Catholic | Witch | Magic | Prediction | Rus | King | Healer | Church

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