Weird and amazing facts about Japan

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

Categories: Asia | Culture | Lifestyle | People | Society | Travel | World

Japan is an amazing country with its own traditions and customs. Some of the Japanese traditions seem strange and ridiculous to others, but for the Japanese, this is in the order of things. So, here are some weird and wonderful facts about Japan.


Weird and amazing facts about Japan

1. Inemuri or sleep at work.

Falling asleep in the office, you are likely to receive a reprimand from your superiors. But not in Japan. Daytime sleep or inemuri is not forbidden, but on the contrary, it is encouraged in society. It is believed that if you sleep at the workplace, then you work a lot and get tired.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

2. Maid cafe - a cafe where the waitresses are dressed as maids from anime cartoons.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

3. Love hotels.

These short-stay hotels are designed for couples in love. Love hotels quickly gained immense popularity among both the Japanese and tourists. Some hotels offer very extravagantly decorated rooms with swivel beds, ceiling mirrors, neon lights, and even karaoke.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

4. Eat noodles while sipping.

Japan is a country that is famous for its polite manners. However, eating noodles noisily sipping the broth is in the order of things. Japanese restaurant chef Rachel Hu explains: "You should eat ramen (Japanese noodles) hunched over the bowl, noisily sipping the broth to get the most out of it."

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

5. Fashion for crooked teeth.

Fashion for crooked teeth. You are surprised that many Japanese teenagers dress like children, in children's clothes and shoes. You will be even more surprised by the teenage fashion for crooked teeth. Yaeba "double tooth" is one of the most fashionable trends among Japanese youth.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

6. Cuddle with a girl in Cuddle cafes.

And no intimacy. For a fee, you can sleep with a girl in the same bed, and cuddle. For a surcharge, you can order the service "look into each other's eyes for a minute" and "stroke the girl's hair for three minutes."

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

7. Ganguro - literally translated as a black face.

A special fashion among Japanese girls. The goal is to get a strong tan. Self-tanning is often used for these purposes. Also, Ganguro's style implies extremely bright makeup, bright clothes, and blond hair.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

8. Restaurant with canned food.

Mr. Kanso is a popular Japanese restaurant that only serves canned food. Instead of a menu, you choose food from the shelves. It is noteworthy that all cutlery is plastic.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

9. Capsule hotel.

The first capsule hotel appeared in Osaka. Such a hotel is a small capsule for an overnight stay. The capsules are placed side by side and on top of each other.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

10. Vending machines.

At first glance, most vending machines in Japan don't look much different from machines in other countries. However, their location and content are sometimes surprising. You can find vending machines near an ancient temple and even on top of Mount Fuji. The range of machines is also amazing. You can buy almost everything in it, from live lobsters to underwear.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

10. Kancho or Kancho.

Japanese game, mainly for children and teenagers. The bottom line is that the palms are folded in the form of a pistol, with the index finger extended. After that, the player must try to stick his fingers into the anus, an unsuspecting opponent. At the same time, you need to shout loudly: “Kancho!”.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

12. Hide your thumb.

This is a widely held belief. If you see a funeral procession, you need to hide your thumb in a fist. The thumb is called the "parent finger" in Japanese. Hiding it during the funeral procession signifies the protection of the parents.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

13. Rabbit Island.

Okunoshima is a small island that has become a tourist attraction. The reason is the huge population of rabbits. According to one version, rabbits were brought to the island during World War II, when the island (and the rabbits themselves) were used to test poisonous gas.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

14. The shortest escalator in the world.

This escalator is located in the basement of a department store in Kawasaki. The escalator has only five steps.

Weird and amazing facts about Japan

15. Cafe rabbits.

This cafe is located in Tokyo, and it is full of rabbits of various breeds. Entering the cafe, you must wash your hands and choose a rabbit. After that, you can go into the hall and put the rabbit on your lap.

Keywords: Amazing facts | Japan | Countries | Travel | Tourism | Asia | Culture | Tradition | Lifetsyle

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