"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold

Categories: Microworld | Nature | Social Networks

Hobby, fascinating to modern people, is incredibly diverse. Few people today collects stamps or glues model airplanes — give everyone extravagant Hobbies, which enable you to stand out among the gray mass. Sometimes unique find like-minded people and then are born into these communities with the same interests as the public "Vkontakte" called, "Mother, I raised the mold".

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold

Subscribers of this unusual community are United by a common passion — they grow in the fridge, on windowsills and under beds quaint colony of the mold, and then publish their photos in the group. Sometimes the joint creation of the members and of nature similar to cosmic landscapes, sometimes, on icebergs or fancy atolls.

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold


It also happens that to find a suitable comparison to the resulting "masterpiece" is not easy and under the real debates occur. It turns out that the experts of mold and fungi in our country are not so little and they have something to talk about under the green breads or covered with an intricate touch of tangerine.

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold

Cherry jam

Public "Mother, I raised the mold" in the largest Russian social network appeared in 2015. It was founded by a medical student Sergey Merzlyakov and analyst Nikita Petrov. Asked by reporters about what inspired them to create such an unusual pooling of interests, the guys are willing to tell their story.

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold


As it turned out, it all started in the community "Ugly plants", where someone had posted pictures of moldy pasta. The theme it seemed interesting and it was decided to organize a separate public where everyone can share photographs with spoiled food and things. No one expected to succeed — just Sergei and Nikita was bored.

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold


The creators of the community have never been interested in mold and they were pleasantly surprised that she can be attractive. Sergey says that had not even imagined that "there can be such beauty." He also said that in his youth was afraid of arthropods, such as spiders and mites. But I started studying biology, he changed his attitude to those creatures, and now refers to them calmly.


So say the creators of this interesting public and it's hard to disagree. They call their members with some degree of irony "diligently". This term originates from a local meme, familiar to all frequenters of the public, the origin of which Nikita and Sergey explains:

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold

Unidentified jam

The authors themselves have long been left to grow mold, as original content and community pours in an endless stream. In the office of "Vkontakte" reported that the public has become the owner of the mark "Prometheus," which led to the community an additional 16% of participants.

"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold


"VKontakte" there is a community of aesthetes, connoisseurs of mold


Is there a Nikita and Sergei plans for the future? Of course! Guys are going to release... own brand of clothing. They believe that to stand still is impossible, and Plesen sounds good. Beginning of promotion of the brand should be — guys sell sticker packs with telenovelas girl — a symbol of the public.

Keywords: Mushrooms | Group | Mold | Community | Hobby

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