Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

Categories: Culture | Fashion | Social Networks | Society | World

The generation of today's youth were born into the Internet age, and groups of high school students transformed into the online phenomenon. Hipsters turned into VSCO Cam girls and emo in e-girls.

The modern generation of young people born in the Internet era, the same online by creating your subculture – e-girls. This phenomenon has captivated the hearts of many rebellious girls who dream of popularity in the network.

Than the lives of generation Z learn from our material.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

The title of a new subculture comes from the acronym for the phrase "electronic girl" – "e-girl". Consequently, the "natural environment" e-girls – virtual reality.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

It is the teenagers who spend a lot of time online, particularly in social networks and different applications: Twich, Instagram, Discord, TikTok... They create online personalities who, by and large, exist only in the Network.

Compared to VSCO girls who prefer natural images and friendship bracelets, e-girls are more like "stage" fashionistas 2,000 years.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

The distinctive features of subcultures is interest in video games, memes and anime. They make a bright make-up and hair dye.

It is worth noting that before the term e-girls meant women who play video games in order to lure men to its cool character. Now this is an ironic definition.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

"E-girls" dyed hair in all colors of the rainbow and collect them in a sloppy ponytail or pigtails.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

The make – up is the basis of the image. Representatives of the subculture of paint on the eyelids expressive black arrows and a thick layer put the blush on the cheeks and nose. Often make-up complemented by tiny figures: hearts, freckles or inscriptions.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

Typical outfit – wide t-shirts and sweatshirts with images, tight tops, which combine with the pants high waist or skirts in a cage.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

They often use colorful strands of artificial hair and do piercings on the face. Their images captured the similarities with the anime characters.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

Favorite habitat – video TikTok. Here is the e-girls prove their popularity, collecting thousands of subscribers. In Instagram you can find lots of videos with transitions, as it creates an image, and themed hashtags.

Virtual girl: who are e-girls and where they live

Also known subcultures – punks, Goths, emo – there are those which you have not even heard. Their representatives will surprise you for sure.

Keywords: Instagram | Anime | Character | Video games | Virtual reality | Girls | Make up | Youth | Teens | Popular | App | Style | Subculture | Trend

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