The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

Categories: Beauty | Design and Architecture | Fashion | History | People | Photo project | Society | World

Why is it fashionable for some clothes and accessories to go away, while other wardrobe items remain for years and decades? A list of clothes and accessories that are as popular today as they were in the 70s, 50s, and even 20s.


The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

1. Little black dress.

A little black dress is a must-have in every woman's wardrobe. It is suitable for cocktails and for going to the theater.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

2. Hermès Carré scarves.

Made from 250 silkworm cocoons, Hermès Carré scarves have been fashionable since 1937. They were originally worn by French women of fashion, as well as by Queen Elizabeth II and Grace Kelly.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

3. Classic diamond ring.

No accessory is as stylish and convincing as a simple diamond ring. The perfect wedding or engagement gift and just a beautiful expensive gesture to complement the words "I love you".

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

4. Dresses by Diana von Fürstenberg.

Fashion designer Diane von Bürstenberg became popular in the 70s. The designer's dresses immediately gained popularity and remain in trend to this day.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

5. Fur coats.

Jackets, down jackets, sheepskin coats can be at the peak of their popularity. But the classic mink or sable (as in the link) fur coat has remained at the peak of popularity for many years. And like decades ago, every woman dreams of a beautiful fur coat.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

6. Burberry trench coat.

In 1856, 21-year-old Thomas Burberry created the first weatherproof gabardine fabric. During World War I, he was asked to create clothing for soldiers. This is how the first trench coat was created.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

7. Stiletto heels.

The most popular stiletto heels were created by Manolo Blahnik. As you can see, the popularity of the hairpin is not fading away at all.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

8. Pearl necklace from Tiffany.

Pearls became the backbone of Tiffany & Co. At the turn of the 20th century, pearl accessories, which are almost on a par with diamonds, gained immense popularity.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

9. Handbag Chanel 2.55

The Chanel 2.55 bag was introduced in 1955 and has become an object of desire for women all over the world. The name of the bag speaks of the date of its presentation - February 1955.

The most popular clothing and accessories of all time

10. Converse sneakers.

Converse shoes were worn by American soldiers during World War II. Today Converse sneakers are popular all over the world.

Keywords: Fashion | Style | Brands | Clothes | Accessories | Wardrobe | History | Popular | Famous people | World

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