Vintage photos - celebrities and ice cream
Categories: Celebrities
By Pictolic you like ice cream? Of course you do! How can you not like ice cream, especially on a hot summer day? Yes, summer is officially over, but the warmth and bright sun still delight us, sometimes forcing us to look into the nearest ice cream stand. Everyone loves this delicacy - both adults and children. Stars too. Don't you believe it?
Then look at how famous people of past years enjoy eating ice cream in these vintage photos.
Iconic British model of the 60s Twiggy eats a popsicle, proving that even supermodels can't resist this yummy.
Marilyn Monroe loved to eat—everyone knew that. Especially when it comes to ice cream. One horn wasn't enough for her.
Ice cream was one of Marilyn's weaknesses: the actress regularly visited the pastry shops, where she enjoyed a cold dessert poured with hot caramel.
Tom has a lot of photo evidence left.
For example, this is a photo from 1952.
John F. Kennedy, a man close to MM's sexy body, was also no stranger to the love of sweet cold dessert.
Actor, director, entrepreneur, racer and heartthrob Paul Newman eats ice cream with his cat.
Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida tastes the famous Italian ice cream.
Elegant beauty Audrey Hepburn was also not averse to eating ice cream.
And in this photo Audrey is cooling down with Fred Astaire.
It cools so well on a hot summer day during the Roman holidays…
The legendary Beatles band gathered in full, but Paul McCartney didn't get any sweets.
Actress Mia Farrow eats ice cream at the professional level.
Bette Davis looks elegant even with ice cream.
Robert Plant from the Led Zeppelin band couldn't cope with the absorption of ice cream a little.
But Brigitte Bardot refused the sweet cold. Maybe a sexy blonde on a diet.
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